Sanyo MM-9000
Reviews 38
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Still no bluetooth?
I don't understand why Sanyo keeps leaving this out of their phones. Anyone have an answer? I think that is definitely a disadvantage, imo.
I'd definitely give up my 5600 and lay down some $ for this if it had it. Mistake on Sanyo's park!
This model has no bluetooth at the request of Sprint as in the Cell Phone Carrier Wars they hold the power and whoever provides the best kickback gets to choose that why the new Sanyo a940 has bluetooth and this does not so that there is less choice and competition. 😲
You want BT in a Sanyo, you just wait…… There is some awesome **** coming out.
yep in January an later
any details on those phones??? specs, screenshots, anything??
Actually stalker, competition has nothing to do with it, blue tooth is not anywhere near being perfected, staticky on samsung phones and not fully capable, plus its a battery hog on cel phones.
Also, that samsung 940 is janky as hell, the screen swivels around, everyone ive seen at sprint stores has a broken swivel.
Umm yes I have an answer, BLUETOOTH SUCKS, hows that? I dont know about other carriers, but on sprint bluetooth isnt very good, it sucks on all the samsung phones that have it, blue tooth is NOT a perfected technology for phones or computer devices, it has NEVER lived up to its promises and by the way, blue tooth consumes an incredible amount of your phones battery so I think it goes without saying why Sanyo hasnt incorporated it yet.
Some people are as fanatical about bluetooth as they are about apple computers lol.
Add to this the fact that people walking around in public like zombies totally self absorbed talking into their bluetooth earset are very annoying. Its not good manners to be chatting on bluetooth while interacting with othe...
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