Samsung MM-A900 / SPH-A900 / Ace
Reviews 100+
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Missing features?
Is it true that you can't add words to the T9 dictionary? That seems really weird since most of the other Samsung phones allow that.
One of the reviews also said that you can't change the main or sub LCD background with your own images. I find that hard to believe considering even the VGA 1000 let you do this.
What's the deal?
You are right on the T9, what a pain. There are a lot of words that I have to type out simply because they aren't in a dictionary (abbreviations and technical terms) and the phone refuses to learn them. I am sure this will be fixed in a future update.
As for the outer LCD pic, I haven't tried it but will as soon as my phone is recharged. Mine is just set to a clock since I keep killing watches at work.
By update do you mean a firmware upgrade? Like, if I get the phone now, is there a possibility of having that patched in the future? Or will it only be applied to newly made phones? (Hypothetically of course).
I went through the manual and it said you can put custom graphics on either the main OR sub LCD, so I think the reviewer had a case of operator error.
Firmware update is what I meant
How's the bluetooth been working on yours?
I've changed mine several times already, so yes you can. And you can have different images on each screen.
I'm evaluating an A900M. It learns new words when you're entering text messages, but when you're using the web browser (the built-in one or Opera Mini) it does not learn new words and does not even remember the words it learned from the text messages. What a shame.
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