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So I finally set an MP3 as my ringer...


Jan 5, 2006, 11:38 AM

step 1: take the MP3 of your choice, and load it in an audio editor of your choice (i use Audacity because its free, easy, and works great)

step 2: edit said MP3 to ringtone leangth. add fade outs or whatever you want. its your ringtone. encode and compress it to whatever quality you think will sound good but still be of good size to fit on the phone.

step 3: you need a 3gupload.com locker account. unfortunatley they charge for this now (didnt it used to be free?) o well, $7 for 6 months of unlimited up/downloads aint so bad. compared to $2.50 a pop from sprint.

step 4: after you create your account, upload your mp3 to you locker. 3gupload will encode it for you.

step 5: from you phone, surf to your 3gupload loc...

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