Samsung MM-A900 / SPH-A900 / Ace
Picture Issues
1. If I connect the A900 to my PC and edit one of the pictures on it, for example, to adjust the brightness, and then save it back to the A900 in the same place, with the same file name, the picture no longer shows up in the phone. I just get the big red X. All I did was adjust the brightness - no resizing or file renaming. Any ideas why this might happen?
2. Viewing pictures on the A900 sucks. I like that you can view 9 at a time in the thumbnail mode, but you can't do ANYTHING until all 9 thumbnails load. If you scroll through the pictures one at a time in full picture mode, it still needs to load 9 at a time, causing an annoying delay every 9 pictures. This is also evident when deleting a picture. It deletes, a...