Motorola Q
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Google Maps & the GPS
Feb 28, 2007, 10:49 AM
Have anyone got lucky getting the GPS in the Google Maps to work?
Do you know anything about how to get it to work?
Was that program designed for Windows Mobile 5?
If so, you should be made aware that your device is NOT a PPC. It is a smartphone.
Kinda like a DIET Coke.
Anyway, you have Windows Mobile for Smartphones, Version 5. Confusing, I know.
Point is, if that program was designed for WM5, it may or may not work. Contact Microsoft or Google.
Feb 28, 2007, 2:26 PM
I already contacted Google, but no answer so far, I'll try Microsoft, but I'm afraid that the answer I already know, they will tell me to contact the manufacturer or the provider, I have another experience with them ☹️
but thanks anyways, I'll double check on that.
You need to have a separate gps receiver in order for the program to get location service. The phone is gps capable but only A-GPS which means that Verizon has to provide an additional signal.
Mar 1, 2007, 7:41 AM
Thank you, FYI I have Sprint Q, but I think the same will apply too.
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