Motorola Q
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3 New WinMobile 6 Phones coming to Verizon - Dont buy Q just yet...
Starting July, the first of 3 new Windows Mobile 6 phones will be released. I recommend holding off your purchase if possible. The Windows Mobile 6 OS is much more refined then 5. Gone are most of the headaches from tasks/processes staying open in memory, also includes HTML email support and awesome integration with Echange 2007. I was at Windows Mobile 6 event yesterday and believe me its worth the wait in gold.
And based on Verizon's stance, I highly doubt there will be an upgrade to current Q's. It costs too much for them to research, test and integrate the new OS to old hardware. More effective just to put the money into a new hardware launch. Plus it costs them nothing to support the failed OS upgrades for current Q users if they do...
Any idea of the names or anything else about these devices? And just so you dont get everyones hopes up too high, you probably wont be seeing them for still quite some time. I dont think that July timeframe is very accurate.
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