Motorola Q
Need Some Help...Pocket PC or a SmartPhone
So here's my question. I am not a big blackberry fan (especially with everything that is going on right now), however, I am a pocket pc fanatic. I truly cant live without my current pocket pc, and as of late, have not been able to get away from email (work issues). Currently my mobile email solution has been taking my laptop with me on the road, and using the VZW PC Card to access the EVDO network. It works great, but lugging the laptop in and out of security at airports, and in the car to simply access email and spreadsheets, is a bit of a pain. I need a better solution.
I und...
Since you're already familiar with a pocket PC, I'll hit the few differences. The smartphone version is basically decontented. They do not have touch scereens. Instead they rely on a thumbwheel and keyboard to interface. Also, they don't currently offer the office mobile suite. Microsoft is working on "picsel viewer". It will allow you to look at, but likely not modify all of the file types you spoke of.
That's the meat of it. From your post above, I'd get the 700W without hesitiation were I you. It has most of the one handed benefits of the BB/650, and runs Windows Mobile 5.0.
Additionally if you haven't heard before, Microsoft is ...
I've used a number of data/phone devices over the past few years. Everything from old school Blackberry 6210's, to newer 7250's, to Audiovox/Verizon XV6600 and XV6700 (my current device). I'm a network admin that works in the Microsoft world, once I made the switch from a Blackberry to a PocketPC device, there was no going back for me! The PocketPC devices have a better Internet browser than Blackberry's, plus you get native support for Office application documents, and you get Media Player (for listening to music and watching videos). I've got a 1GB storage card in my device.
I absolutely recommend a device that supports Windows Mobile 5. The one-handed use improvements are a definite plus. I ...
Icecop was onthe right track asking the differences between a Smart Phone and a Pocket PC Phone. They are not the same.
Two posters ago noted the native support of Office docs. That is only the case with the Pocket PC Phone. Currently the Smart Phone version does not support Office docs.
Push email is also out right now.
The upcoming service pack, or whatever they're calling it, is supposed to remedy those problems, but only partially.
The upcoming upgrade will add a push email service, but the ability to use Office docs is TBD. Picsel viewer which is to be added will allow users to VIEW, but not necessarily edit, Office docs. It will also support PDF viewing...
This was my original post, and I had the same question. I also posted my question under the 700w forum.
I have recently purchased the Treo 700w. (about a week ago)
I have been using pocket pc's for years, as I need to have excel, word, and pdf files with me while on the road. The Treo 700w is a great tool for that.
The added bonus is that you can receive email, either POP, or using VZW push service via Wireless Sync.
I would recommend entering the POP information, and foregoing VZW push service, as first of all you are only able to Wirelessly Sync your email every 15 minutes. To me, if you are purchasing a wireless device to receive email, like a Blackberry, Treo, Q, whatever, you probably have a need to r...
I am traveling most of the day and on the phone all the time. However, when I get home I am in outlook for at least an hour before I can get to any work. My wife and I are expecting our first child and having the capability to recieve/reply emails, open excel, word & pdf attachments would enable me to be more efficient throughout the working day and most importantly give more time for my family when I get home.
I was going to get the Treo 700w, but I have a blutooth ear piece and I need to voice dial while driving; as Philly can get pretty hectic while behind the wheel. So I have been waiting for the Motorola Q to come outbecause of the voice dialing capabilties. However, I...
Here is my opinions on your question. Again, this is only advice, and it is your option.
I am not a big fan of "all in one" devices. As I stated in my post, I don't use my 700w as a phone. Simply as a PDA/Email device.
I also have an e815 for which I make/receive all my calls. I also use a bluetooth headset (HS-850) which pairs great with my phone.
My simple suggestion would be not to have the latest and greatest "gadget" (although I am a HUGE gadget fan, and have to have the latest and greatest), but look at getting a device that meets your needs.
I looked at even getting a Blackberry, but I couldn't edit, or view Microsoft documents using native support. Only via their "lite" versions. This is a problem for me, ...
I'll be weighing my options this week. I guess it is confirmed that the Q will be delayed another 3 months?
Thanks - Omni77