Motorola Q
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Too much phone?
Dec 23, 2006, 8:39 AM
I would like to get a phone on which I can keep all my contacts (numbers and addresses) and that has a good, easily accessible calender. I'm really not interested in texting or getting my emails (although it would be nice - I just don't want to pay the extra costs). Is the Q too much for what I need?
I am a user that has the same objectives as you and have had my Q since June of this year. I am very pleased with the Q for those operations exclusive of email. Seems like most of the users trying to get email have the problems. Since I am not one of those I had not had the issues people complain about. I can honestly say this phone has never frozen up on me and the sound quality and features are excellent. I would recommend the Q however I would wait until the version comes out that allows a mini SD wifi card to access the internet. I think that feature missing is the biggest drawback to the Q. I read in Phone Scoop that sometime next year Moto will be coming out with such a phone and I will be a buyer. Hope this helps.
Get the Treo 700w. I left the Q for it & it's good.
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