Motorola Q
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ITUNES music into MP3s
Can anyone please please tell me how I can use my iTUNES MUSIc by turning it into mp3s and then load onto a card so that I can use them as ringtones for the Q? I am either going to have to figure this out or get a new phone (lg8600). The q tones are driving me crazy because they're SOOOOOOOOOOO boring!
This is a long step, but works. Burn all of your mp4 (itunes purchased) songs onto a CD. Once this is complete, rip them back on the computer....this will turn them into an mp3 file and work on your phone.....
Jan 28, 2007, 12:41 AM
Actually you can convert files to mp3 using iTunes player, just right click and you will see it in the options "convert selection to mp3" at least that what I do......
that works on some music files. If it is a protected file aka one you buy from the iTunes store, you will need to do as said in a previous post. Burn it to a cd and re-import it.
All that my itunes says when I right click is convert selection to AAC. Any thoughts?
In iTunes click on Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Importing, under Importing where it says Import Using, select MP3 Encoder from the drop down menu. When you right click on your songs it should now say "Convert Selection To MP3". Hope that helps.
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