LG Fusic / LX-550
Scheduler Alert question
I want to be able to receive alerts without the Alarm noises so I don't disrupt class or co-workers, it seems like this should be an option.
The Sound Settings don't offer much help, most terms seem to be synonyms, so I can't determine which one will affect the Scheduler.
If you turn the volume all the way down to "vibrate all," the phone will vibrate when the alarm goes off instead of sounding a tone. If your goal is not to disturb classmates or coworkers, that's probably the way to go.
If you just wanted a really quiet alarm, you could record something using Voice Memo and use that as the sound for alarms ... as long as it's loud enough for YOU to hear.
Next I'll have to figure out if the Scheduler data is transferable anywhere, since I'd like to be able to back it up (and not the Sprint's web backup) or if I can input data using something other than the cellphone number pad.