Samsung SGH-D807 / D806
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how Durable is this phone?!
Hey guys, I'm looking at getting this phone, and everything i read makes it sound like a great phone!! My question is, I'm a typical teenage guy, Im going to drop the phone, im going to have it in my pocket when i do something stupid and fall and land on it, im going to leave it on the table at a party and it will get beer spilled on it. and ALL that other **** that happens to phones when they get taken to college, we all know it happens, and yes of course i will do my best to take care of it, but im just being realalistic. ****'s gonna happen...
How durrable is this phone?! It sorta looks too pretty to survive a dorm or frat house... Know what i mean? let me know what ya'll think of how the phone will hold up
Thanks for any info a...
I haven't dropped mine yet so I can't say how it will handle it.
What I will say is that it takes some time getting used to holding it, and it will feel weird in your hand for a while. So it might be a little easier to drop at first.
I would imagine it would handle a drop just fine, except for scratches and stuff especially with the external screen.
i'm a recent college grad and i lived in a fraternity house for a couple of years so i know what you mean. and i have spilled beer on mine. actually my roommate did that for me. i've dropped mine, i've kicked mine, and i've had beer spilled on it. it still works great. however, i haven't fallen on it. but i'm sure it stands a pretty good chance at surviving that too.
That sounds great, I know none of the phones made now are really tough, but as long as it can stand the small stuff I think it'll be great! Thanks soo much for all of your help!
I dropped my yesterday for the first time! It fell hard and knocked the battery cover off and landed on the screen.... Picked it up expecting the worst and THERE WAS NOT EVEN A SCRATCH 😁
Mine fell out of my pocket doing 50 on my motorcycle. Turned around expecting it to be smashed. Found the battery and cover and it started up fine, been great ever since. It has a very solid heacy build to it, and the screen is recessed enough that it would have to land directly on an edge to damage it, so it is actually really durable.
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