Nokia 6126 / 6131 / 6133
Reviews 100+
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I have the 6131 unlocked that I got on Ebay from and I'm very happy with it. Why anyone would pay for than $300 with a 2 year contract for the 6126 is beyond me, the 2 phones are exactly alike.... Cingular is probably gonna screw it up somehow anyway.
I agree, as far as i'm concerned, cingular is screwing it up. It was supposed to have been released in the second quarter. As far as the price, it's supposed to cost $129.00 with a $50.00 rebate making it $79.00 on a two year contract. Are you with t-mobile? I havn't heard of any problems on that network with the 6131. I'm sure some people are waiting like my self becouse I've read that some of the people who purchased the 6131, who were on cingular, were having problems with different features. With any luck I may get to see the phone some day...week...year.....
Yes, I'm with T-Mobile and I've had no problems with any of the features. Sending pics/video works fine, sending MMS works fine, and audio messages work great. The only downside of this phone is the battery life, but I've heard that Nokia is coming out with a more powerful battery for this phone.
I left Cingular about 6 years ago when they took over for pacbell wireless for most of the reasons that people hate Cinguar including problems with features and getting the same answers when I would complain "we are spending millions of dollars upgrading our network" bla bla bla. If I were you I would jump over to T-Mobile since the coverage is just about the same and then buy the 6131 on ebay. Just make sure you don't use Plemix or x187 mobi...
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