LG Chocolate V Cast Music Phone
[RETAIL: $150 with a two-year contract]
This phone is called Chocolate because it's supposed to remind you of sweet, sweet candy, but in reality it's just empty calories. Obnoxious red menu buttons mar the otherwise handsome slider's brushed-black case. The hypersensitive touchpad sent me to parts of the menu I never intended to visit; turning the sensitivity down didn't help, it just made the pad unresponsive. And while the menu functions are merely counterintuitive, the showcase MP3 player is both poorly designed and difficult to use. As a phone, the Chocolate sets a new standard for mediocrity. Its uninspired interface and lackluster audio quality had me ignoring calls from loved ones on purpose. My advic...
yeah he probably used it for a day, it took me a few days to get used to this phone. I think people who just think they are going to use it first time and love it will be disapointed. When i first used mine I was really not liking it, but after you get used to the touch keys and setup all your shortcuts this phone is great. I also cannot understand why people say the music player is subpar, i think it is excellant and rediculously easy to use, how hard is it to throw some songs in mp3 player and open them on phone 😕 Setting up playlists was also a cake walk....oh well.
Well, I used mine for 15 days before I sent it back. It was actually my second chocolate because I switched it out thinking the first one may be defective. It was not; they were both the same.
My *major* problems were battery life and mp3 player not LOUD enough. I was really tempted to keep it (and hope for some arcane workaround fixes) but in the 11th hour I brought it down to FedEx.
So, I agree with the article. The mp3 player *IS* mediocre for a product that flaunts its mp3 capabilities. Example: playlists. Sure, you can create a play list on your computer, and transfer it to the chocolate, but who wants to do that? Instead of making it easy (and fun), they made it very tedious to create play lists on the chocolate.
But that's ju...
? You can make a playlist right from phone? You don't have to load it from pc? You just select create playlist from the music player and you check songs from your available mp3's on card and name the playlist. Seemed pretty easy to me.
But you have to scroll through the *entire* list of songs you have on disk. Also, you can't just add a song to an existing playlist without scrolling through the *entire* list of songs you have on disk.
WOW! Some people are soooooooooooooooooo lazy! You could make it add yor songs telepathically and still someone would find something wrong!
I'm glad you're happy to settle for any old piece of crap that verizon et al will hand out to you. Happy scrolling.
im with mary its not that bad and i love the red buttons a great contrast! by the way if you want to use it just for an mp3 player why arent you using headphones??????
you are right the speaker isnt the best but over all i like it!and bluetooth works great!!
mp3 player is extremely easy to use and the phone is not a boombox... sound is great for a phone!! nuff said
no one said the phone is a boombox. it is, however, a lot of money for something you can't hear on the subway or other moderately noisy place. they advertise it as some wonderous new hybrid phone/mp3 player and I'm saying it ain't good "nuff."
use a headset 🙄 ,that is why it comes with the music kit. That is also the thing people plug into their mp3 players and put in your ears. Otherwise put your parachute pants on and load the tapedeck up into your boombox if you feel like annoying everyone on the subway.
u r just too brilliant for words.
you take life to seriously.
you think you know me already? now that's funny. 😁
yeah, but it is not like you can only do one at a time so who cares, i made 3 playlists in like 2 minutes? i have a 140 songs, i just counted for the crap of it, it took 4 whole seconds to scroll all the way through 140 songs 🙄 I have had mutltiple mp3 players, this may not be ipod quality but it is just as good as any mp3 player i have floating around, which none of those even offer playback through a speaker, so I really don't get the complaint about the speaker quality, my other mp3 players are headset only. Also they will not play video. Is it a 6gb ipod crusher...no. But it is just as good or better than most mid range mp3 players floating around out there and plenty good enough for simple everyday use.
again, I'm glad you buy the party line. I don't. they advertise it as a full blown mp3 player and phone hybrid. I'm hear to tell you that it falls short in the mp3 category, IMHO. and apparently, I'm not alone in this view either. who else agrees with me? oh just some knuckleheaded writers at the WSJ and Wired. They can't really "know" what they're talking about can they? Nah.
yeahright, you continually obfiscate my posts. I said in an earlier post that I could live with the minor quirks of the chocolate, if only it were loud enough.
It occurs to me, yeahright, that you are shill. Are you?
Shill? I could care less what YOU BUY. I just came from a v3m razr, was it a good phone...it was ok if you are not a huge user. I talk people out of buying the chocolate everyday in my store because they want it for the wrong reasons. This is the best music player in a PHONE on the market. If that is what you want then this is it. The reviews often swirl around the whole vcast music crap with the syncing, and software and music store...that crap all sucks, get this phone get a card reader and slap mp3's on the card. If you are going to go through all the vcast music crap then you might as well get an 8300 imo. Customers just want it because it looks good, but in all honesty if you just want a phone get a razr,8300,325, those are all excellen...
who's talking about using the speaker? I'm talking about the volume through HEADPHONES. I don't care about the little speaker.
What I'm saying is the chocolate is not loud enough for me while listening to music through headphones.
I can't put it more simply than that. and I've tried both bluetooth headphones and wired. I've even tried jacking up the volume of several mp3 files through Sound Forge but it didn't help.
If you find the volume is adequate then I'm happy for you. But for me it just doesn't cut it.
man your getting pissy, sorry you didn't like it it loud enough for me and i don't even have it up all the way. Maybe you need your hearing checked 🤣
scuse me, yeahright, but u r the one who is "pissy." try not to project on your "customers" so much. 😁
guess you didn't read earlier where i said i talk people out of getting this phone everyday because it is not a good fit for them because they want it for the wrong reasons.
Oh, and what the hell are we argueing about again i lost track?
Sorry you don't like the phone but it is still posting over a 4 in the review column here so there are some people out there that love it. I stand by the fact it is the best phone/mp3 player on the market. Is it the best phone, no. Is it the Best mp3 player,no. But it is the best hybrid available on the market today imo.
that reminds me... I haven't posted a review yet. guess you can kiss that 4 rating goodbye. 🤣
that was actually pretty funny 🤣 Just try to be somewhat fair and not give the phone a 0 or 1. Even if you didn't like the player it is still an average phone by itself.
wow, childish. A .5 hmmm. that is a little harsh don't you think, now who is being shill 🙄
by jeffb23 Aug 30, 2006
after using this phone for 15 days, I returned it. that was over a week ago and I'm still waiting for a refund.
lots of revenue (applies to verizon suits only)
price doesn't justify performance
mp3 player not loud enough (*with* headphones).
mp3 player not 'elegant' in any way, shape or form.
battery drains quickly.
side keys can be annoying.
In short, it's par for the course; a big corporation taking advantage of peoples' vulnerability for quick, gimmee, technological fixes by releasing a product with flaws, and with the intention of selling "better" phones in the ...
it's just a game, yeahright. they play games with my money, I play my "childish" games with theirs. seems fair to me. why should I give it any positive rating when the cards are stacked against me before I even play? 👀
and I totally blanked on how terrible the camera is... damn.
what is wrong with the camera? It is better than my 8100,815,and my razr? What is this playing games with money argument. I get the phones at cost which is over $300 dollars? Tell me you are not jumping on the phones only cost a .05 to make. I didn't think you would give it a positive rating, but come on a .05. I would rank my motorola t720 a 1, just because it at leate made phone calls. Also it is not the phones fault you have not received your money back so i don't see how that is relevent in a review of a phone. Oh well. Out of curiousity what phone are you using now?
I'm an unhappy camper. They advertised it as "part mp3 player, part phone" and I went for it because I was looking for less gadgets on me when I go out. the mp3 player was mostly unusable (for me) and now I'm stuck with another bill because I am also with T-Mobile (Samsung e105 great phone but it won't hold a charge anymore). They said "return in 15 days if you don't like" and I did, but I'm still responsible for a two year contract? What's fair about that? Oh, it's in the "fine print" but I forgot feed my personal lawyer that day so...
Do you see a distinction between phone and company? I don't. Verizon chose to release the phone, not just LG. And from what I hear, Verizon is known for "Verizonizing" their phones to their benefit. I didn...
The whole verizonizing thing as you put it is a good thing in my opinion. Now personally I'm not a big fan of it, but for the average user it makes everything easier. That is another thing about the chocolate is that you can change all the things that verizon has standardized like the shortcuts, the menu, and the stupid colored bars. As far as you being stuck with a 2 year contract after you sent you phone back is wrong. If you decide you don't want the service you can cancel that as well when you send the phone back. they can't force you to pay for something if you didn't get a phone to start you service with or at least have one of your own when signing up.
According to them, I am responsible for two years or pay $175 early term fee. They didn't tell me early on that I had to return the phone AND cancel service within 15 days. But they damn sure sent me a notice about it AFTER the 15 days were up. Now don't tell me it's my fault because I didn't "dig deeper." They know how it works; they got my number so to speak. If this is good customer service I'm not sure I understand what good customer service is.
Easy there tiger I didn't say it was your fault, I was actually telling you how the return policy worked. So what did you tell them when you sent the phone back? I don't understand why they would take a phone back but make you keep your service. Did you switch to a different phone or something.
wow, so they are trying to not let you out of contract eventhough you returned it within 15 days. I will give that one, that is bs. But yes I do see a difference between phone and carrier when related to a phone review on this site. People are checking to see if they would like the phone, they are probably comparing against other phones carried by verizon so slamming a phone because the carrier screwed you is not fair. It is not the chocolates fault Verizon is screwing you. As far as the camera it is great, i have printed off 4x6 pictures off of it and it is just as good as any toher 1.3 megapixel camera on the cellular market. I really think you just received a bad chocolate, then another, then are getting screwed because some rep didn't kn...
After reading through all this nonsense, what do you want in a phone. I understand the problem with it not being loud enough. That sucks, but are there any other phones with music players that are louder. I think its louder than my 8100 was and I used that on a plane. Don't know how that compares to a subway but it is definitly loud. They are hyping this phone up because it is so different than anything else they have carried. With the mp3/ music player I think its probably the best in a phone out there. If you need a mp3 player buy a dam ipod. This isn't going to just replace idpods or other mp3 players overnight. It will take time for something like that to happen.
Besides you not liking the mp3 player what the hell else was wr...
You don't understand suit mentality. Yes, they give it to you for $150 but now they *own* you for 2 years. Don't think for a second that they haven't worked out every possible angle that effects "the bottom line."
Like I said before, if you're happy with it, cool. And yes it is unique. but I feel like i've been shaken down, if you know what I mean.
I understand what you mean by them owning you for 2 years, but that is not specific to phone or company. Every company gives you the discount for a contract. The cost of the chocolate happens to be more expensive than the other phones so it costs more with the agreement.
every ccompany does this, it is not new news with the release of the chocolate, so how is this relevant?
oh, because they all do it, that makes it right? Give me a ****ing break. God, some of you people are thick. Read my other posts if you have questions. I'm done with you.
WOW you are the one who can't read a post. I never said it was alright, the system sucks, but using it as a complaint against this phone is stupid. Your done with me, ha.. your funny.
First of all it seems that this guy is more angry at verizon itself than anything else that has to do with the chocolate. this handset is not perfect but is not the worse. most of the cons. explained by you are based on the mp3 player and the vcast service, one thing you must remind yourself the chocolate is a phone first, with the features of an ipod,
organizer,etc. packed in one device as a convenience for those people that do not want the stress of carrying different devices.