LG VX-8500 Chocolate
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Screen protector???
I know someone earlier was talking about a great scratch resistant screen protector - but I can't find the info. Has anyone out there used one on this phone or have any info or input about it.
It is called a shieldzone, basically a plastic cover that goes over the screen. They make these for ipods and pda's. I have used them before and they work great, i have never used on on the chocolate however so I can't say if they are good for this phone. I don't know if you could cover the touchpad, but if you just put it over screen i am sure it would do a good job keeping scratches off of it.
Aug 31, 2006, 6:19 AM
you can go to staples and get them for a digital camera screen. thay work the same way and it may be local for you.
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