LG VX-8500 Chocolate
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Bluetooth Headset HELP!!!
has anyone used the lg bluetooth stereo headset for the chocolate yet, does it work good and is there anywhere else i can buy it other than at the verizon store, i havent heard or seen anything about that headset anywhere else other than the verizon store.
Yes, and it works great! Sound is amazing and I didn't realize until I actually used it that the buttons on the top front (rew/ffwd/etc.) glow red like the phone and below that is a hidden display that when lit shows caller id/batt./music/etc. Pretty cool!
mary, do you know where else i can buy that earpiece from, i cant find it anywhere else, not even on the lg website and not even on ebay, only place ive seen so far is the verizon corporate store. I really dont want to dish out $129.99 for that at the v-store.
also, does this headset work on other phones like the 8100 and the 8300?
The only place I have seen it, also, is at the Verizon store and on their website, of course. I am a Merits member, though, so I got 25% off, so it wasn't such a bad deal.
As far as other phones. I know the 8100 is NOT stereo BT capable so no on that one. As far as the 8300, I'm not sure if that has A2DP (stereo BT) or not, but I think it does. If so, then it would work on that too.
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