LG VX-8500 Chocolate
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make your battery last lonnnnnger
just simply go into the phones serv menu by pressing menu 0 then the 6 0's for the password and then go to numb 3 network select then mode pref, then 1x only. u can't run the nav or vcast or others that require that spec netowrk but the battery lasts longer i would rather have the battery last rather than vcast at times.
I'd just like to add to this that if you are in a major city (like I am) this won't actually do much of anything because the EVDO service is always at full bars. The drain on the battery comes from the phone searching for service.
im in the country and i allways have full service on the 1x mode but at the other mode the ev is way lower than the tx one, is that why my battery allways sucks down if i have it in the non 1x mode???? i dont use vcast or anything like that, i just have the vzw tones and pix on get it now i dont get music or stream videos off of the vcast i dont even subscribe to it. so will 1x be allright or i dont understand the 2 networks differences. does one get better service at places??
thanks if u take the time to explain that woujld really help me out
Just turn the EVDO off. EVDO has nothing to do with calls and only data. So if you aren't using any of the extended functions you won't even know its gone.
Plus your battery should last 3 days with normal usage... thats about what mine does and I actually do use the internet quite a bit.
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