LG VX-8500 Chocolate
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funformobile MMS not comming in my phone!
i've tried numerous times and i havn't received the ringtones i uploaded through funformobile's mms service. i get regular texts from friends just fine. anyone know whats up?
maybe yu don't have mms on youor account, get one of your friends to send you a picture and see if it comes through, if not call cusotmer service
well i got them on my razr all the time, just not with this phone, i dont know why
The feature could have been dropped off when the phone was switched.
yeah, but when they did the esn change they could have dropped a much needed feature. This might not be the issue but it is worth checking, just call customer care and have them check you account to see if you have pix messaging on your account, even if it is just the pay per use. Just tell them you are not receiving pictures, or like i said have some send you a pix and see if you get it
cool thanks for the help guys
I can receive pix messages but I still am not receiving funformobile MMS uploads to my phone?????
well this is weird. After i posted this thread, 24 hours later i got all those MMS messages... i can't explain it, but wait a day or so. i also didn't call verizon or anything about my PIX account and stuff, it just came on my phone randomly as a text message. just took a day to get in 😉
probably a delay in the system
Am i the only one that thinks its easier to just send the ringtone to "your phone number @VZWPIX.com" and then just hit options and "save as ringtone?
no i use that to, but the funformobile site converts them, i have had a few that i sent to my phone that did not work, but when i sent them from their they did?
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