LG VX-8500 Chocolate
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LG white chocolate??? vs lg 9900
I am now due for my every two upgrade. It is $100 towards the price of a new phone (probably the last time I'll get the $100). ANYWAY, I have the Q which I have no problems with, but do not want to lose the credit of $100 as VERIZON says that if it is not used within a certain period of time I will lost it. Should I get the LG 9900 or the WHITE CHOCOLATE??? ANy thoughts?
Get the LG 9900. I'm regretting the chocolate right now and the LG 9900 has gotten pretty good reviews compared to the chocolate. Go with the enV.
I have the Q and the Cherry Chocolate. I have the data plan for my Q and the phone/vcast for my chocolate. I love them both! I looked at the 9900 and it's ok. I like the smaller chocolate.
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