LG VX-8600 / AX-8600
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poor reception ... hello krzr
Customer service swapped my 8600 out for a krzr after I called to complain. I liked a lot of things about this phone but the reception was just unacceptable. I'm having a lot fewer dropped calls on my krzr, although I miss a few features on the 8600. I wonder if my unit was just defective or if others are experiencing poor reception / erratic signal / dropped calls?
Hi, I'd like to know if you had the Verizon VX-8600 or the Alltel AX-8600. I know they are basically the same phone but I use Alltel and want to know your carrier. I'm thinking about getting the AX8600 or Samsung u520.
Also, do you live in a rural area or city? Thanks.
i have verizon. i had trouble with reception in an urban area, but i live around many tall buildings and other geographic factors that limit reception. signal with all my other phones worked well enough tho, but not the 8600. i seem to be one of the few who has such problems. the only other person who had similar problems said they had a defective unit.
I had a 8600 that had HORRIBLE reception so Verizon replaced it with another one. Now, my current 8600 has the best reception out of all the phones I have ever owned.
I too, had terrible reception with my 8600, so I swapped it out for another 8600, and so far have not had any problems...apparently there was a bad batch of LG 8600's out there, and once you swap it out, you should be fine....if I had been you I wouldn't have gone for the krzr, I have heard nothing but bad things about them...see if you can switch back to another LG 8600 if you are still unhappy with the krzr...
Apr 8, 2007, 8:28 PM
I had the krzr for 2 days and it was such a pos. The reception was less than thrilling, and the keypad was already making marks on the internal screen. I swapped it out for the 8600 and couldn't be happier. The reception is better, the clarity is better and the flash ui is a welcome change as well. In addition, everytime I pull the phone out I get oooohs and ahhhhs.
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