LG VX-8600 / AX-8600
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MicroSD problem
Hey, I just got my 8600 and a 1gb microSD thing. I added some music to the card on my computer then inserted it into the side of the phone. I can't seem to get the music onto my phone I'm not exacly sure what I did wrong, but also I can't get the card back out lol. Maybe I jammed it in too far? It seemed to slide in fine so I didnt think I was pushing it too far.
I also just got the 8600 and im having the same problem with getting music to work on the card. On the card getting stuck though i just pressed it in harder (gently) a few times and eventually the spring kicked in and kicked out the card, now its very easy to get the card in and out after that first time.
`USE SOMETHING THIN like a pencil tip it shouldnt be a problem. As for the music its "not recommended" to put music on the card via a SD card slot in your CPU but connect the phone w/the cable and the card in it but ive used both ways and didnt have a problem
I'm having the same issue with mine. I got the 1gb card, b/c the guy told me I couldn't use a usb directly to the phone. The worst part is, I can't get a straight answer out of anyone. One says Napster, one says iTunes and yet another says limewire. I just want someone to spell it out from beginning to end. I can't find anything on how to dl songs for this phone anywhere. Someone, anyone... please! 😕
google "bitpim". the program allows the phone and computer to communicate and gives access to the music put on micro-sd cards.
Jun 17, 2007, 2:13 PM
You guys have to put the card into your phone first before you put anything on it.Try putting a few pics on the card just to kind of format the card. After that take it out and it should have folders for music, sounds, pix and flix. The phone accepts MP3 and WMA format so putting music on it should not be a problem.
The problem was that the computer was creating a new music file when dling the music on to the SD card.
You have to move all the files in the newly added music folder to the music file that is under the phones file "music" on the SD card.
I hope that makes sense 😛
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