LG VX-8600 / AX-8600
Reviews 100+
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Upgrades vs. Full retail
Just out of curiousity, when you guys talk about getting new phones all the time are you generally buying them full price or upgrading?
Most of them buy them full retail, and since they upgrade so frequently, they sell their old ones on e-bay and still get a good price since they're so new. Others, like me, have multiple lines & stagger the upgrade dates, so I typically don't go more than 6 months without a new one, although my fiancee made me promise this would be my last phone until after we get married, in May. 😛
Yeah, right. You'll have another sooner than that!! 🤣
Perhaps....but only if it's....how do you say? oh yeah, free....otherwise, I won't be getting married. 😉
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