User Review History
Tecky2's review of the Samsung Freeform M
original version, submitted Aug 31, 2014, 11:32 AM:
Use Instructions
I purchased a Samsung Freeform M phone and despite my reading the information provided, there was insufficient information provided to make me a competent user.
No User's Manual. The abbreviated information provided is only the very basic of information. I was particularly interested in voice dialing, texting, etc. Look as I might; there were no instructions available.
This is not, however, limited to the Freeform M, I have had experience with similar frustrations with the Galaxy series too. Why are there no instruction manuals with these phones.
Reference is made, in some cases to go to the internet. Not everyone with a phone also has access to the internet. In researching instructions, I have found manuals as long as 223 pages. No one is going to print out this type manual. The manual doesn't even provide for individual page printing. Numbers of the page do not correspond with what is printed.
Help! Customers do need printed material to assist in their use of their phone.
Another comment is regarding battery life. I believe the specifications list an in-use battery life in excess of two hours. I have been on the phone, with a full charge, for about an hour experiencing a cut off because of complete loss of battery.
edited Aug 31, 2014, 11:34 AM to the current version:
Use Instructions
I purchased a Samsung Freeform M phone and despite my reading the information provided, there was insufficient information provided to make me a competent user.
No User's Manual. The abbreviated information provided is only the very basic of information. I was particularly interested in voice dialing, texting, etc. Look as I might; there were no instructions available.
Help! Customers do need printed material to assist in their use of their phone.
Another comment is regarding battery life. I believe the specifications list an in-use battery life in excess of two hours. I have been on the phone, with a full charge, for about an hour experiencing a cut off because of complete loss of battery.