LG Shine CU720
Average Ratings

LG Shine= Good First Phone
The LG Shine is my first cell phone and I got a few in August of last year. I have the silver one with a clear case and screen protector and it still looks great. This phone is great for a first phone. I'm very happy with my purchase.
Pros: Large screen
Joystick is fun and easy to use
Micro SD slot
2.0 Megapixel Camera
Screen lock
Easy to use
Looks great
Cons: Battery life isn't great but not terrible
Sometimes you can't feel it vibrate
Even though the battery isn't the best it's all I needed in a first phone. Also I knew what I was getting out of it so it was a great purchase. As long as you know what you are getting I highly recommend this phone!

Sleek but Flawed
Just purchased this phone as the SIM card on my RAZR crapped out.
- Aesthetically, very pleasing
- Photo and video functionality are above average
- Joystick navigation is intuitive
- Large and sharp screen
- Ring volume is near abysmal as even at maximum volume, rings may easily be missed if there is ambient noise
- Ring adjustment between silent, vibrate and tone is clumsy
- Cannot configure default joystick navigation in accessing apps or other functionality
- Battery life between charges is definitely sub-par
I had the Motorola RAZR for some time and was quite happy with it and so far, overall, the LG Shine compares rather poorly. The CONs I listed above are even more glaring in comparison to the RAZR as that phone clearly distances itself in those areas. We'll see after some use if the feature advantages of the LG out"shine" what I miss from my RAZR.

Beautiful, but has issues
O.K. I really wanted to love this phone. It is the best looking phone around, but I have to agree that the volume of the ring tones even on max is too low and I have missed several calls. Also, voice dial sucks-gets the wrong person every time. And, I really wanted to like this camera, but I'm not impressed. If the camera isn't super still, it blurs the picture. Also, you can set the flash to come on each time you take a picture, but when you close the phone, it resets. The next time you open the camera to take a picture--no flash. You have to set it each time- which is too time consuming. Also, lately, I have had people tell me, "Are you on your blue tooth? I can't hear you well." It seems to cut in and out and reception isn't as good as it was with my RAZR. I'm past my 30 days so I have to keep it, but if your looking for a phone, I'd look elsewhere.

Great Phone, but Fragile.
Ok, I'm not going to make a review the same day i bought it, that is just stupid. I have had this phone for a month and it has some really nice features. I fell in love with the design. Its a blessing and a burden, so to speak. Its beautiful and shiny as you've heard from everybody else, but extremely fragile. In the first month i have well over 50 scratches on the screen, and one big scratch near the joystick. The Battery isn't as good as my old phone, but i turned the brightness down and it can hold up ok. I'm a heavy texter so my battery needs to be charged every 3 days. The volume isn't really that bad, its not good for an alarm though as it never wakes me up. This phone has tons of features like MobiTV, XM radio, Mobile Banking, Cellular Video, AT&T Music Applications, and alot more. It even has some solid games...demos of games that is. Im about to buy mrs. pac man (love it). I think it works well with the screen size. Overall The LG shine is a great phone with compelling features, and its design makes it easy to fall in love with, but it also makes it easy to scratch.

Great Review
I have to say Truly love this phone. At first I was a little worried because I don't really like LG's Menu interface for AT&T phones but this model has slight improvements over the other LG that makes it shortcomings little known.
1.Cameras good I enjoy the fact that it has flash. Its not a digital camera but it adds to the style
2.Extremly attractive. I had verizon chocolate and Venus lovers drooling over this phone during a party.
3.Beautiful screen,
4.Even though the menu is a little plain looking it offers alot of options and the calling screen is top notch with a cool icon that shows the length of the call coming out of the photo of the person your calling as if they where texting to u in a little bubble.
5.The phoen has a very nice import feel to it when it comes to ringtones and design Not to mention its a powerhouse with 3g.
1.Wish the menus where more interesting but for some reason to me it looks alot better when you put the icons in list view.
2.Wish you could change the incoming message tone to your own type of ringtone
3. I used to have a LG CU500 and I really miss how loud the speakers where espcially for Celluar video. The shines speakers aren't to good for that and it would had been straight if they would had least made it to accept 2.5 mm headphones
4. LGs under AT&T tend to have spotty reception. Full bars in most areas but none in areas where a nokia would probably atleast get 1 or 2 bars. (Turn off 3G and have it on edge using the engineer code and that could help on certain sitations)
Other then that I have no complaints about this phone. For those compliaing about battery life turn your screen brightness down to 50% cause with me doing that my battery level has been fine and hasn't drained at all. I guess turning off 3g helps to but I like celluar video at times so i switch back and forth depending on what I'm going touse it for.
Other then that theres really nothing else bad about this phone

LG Shine
This phone is like a good girlfriend: pretty, thin, and quite.
Very stylish design
The screen is big, and vibrant
The camera is quite good
Battery life is fairly good
At max volume, on the loudest ringtone, I could barely hear it ring from my pocket in a relatively quite room. Seriously, don't even bother changing it to vibrate mode in class/work. If you don't turn off increasing ringtone, you will have pretty much no chance of hearing it. If you hold it, it sounds loud enough, however, the speaker it comes out of is really small, and very easily muffled.
The navigation nub is hard to use, and flimsy.
The speaker phone is a little hard to understand.
The music player suffers from the same issue as the ringtone, except worse.
The buttons are a little small but manageable.
Cannot customize soft keys, and the one that says "options" actually leads to the favorite menu (which you can fully customize).
Can't customize the nub shortkeys either.
Signal strength is not good enough considering its ATT.
I actually had little trouble with the bluetooth. I have an ipaq, which on most phones I could use to connect, and use the PDA to browse the files, and grab. With this phone, I had to use the phones software to send, but it still worked fine.
The first Shine I had, the screen randomly broke after exactly 30 days, luckily still under warranty. This new one I have is even quiter, so I will be exchanging it for the Moto Z9.
Overall, it has lots of nice features, but the phone part is not that great. If you don't care about sound quality, and just want a decent camera that you can sometimes call people with, get this phone.

Pretty Good
-Easy to Navigate
-Beautiful Phone
-Color Effects on camera such as black and white
-a Favorite Menu
-Use screen like a mirror
-usually good service
-can have a calendar as a background
-nice sized screen for web
-Easy texting
-Don't have to slide it open for a lot of things
-I'm not a fan of keypad locks (even though you can change it up to 30 seconds)
-Only 3 display color schemes
-toggle needs time to get used to (about a week)
-speaker is only on front so if you put your phone upside down you can't hear it as good.
-my brother had the silver one and you can see all his fingerprints on the phone. Red is the best one to cover up fingerprints.
Great phone. I love how it shows on the home the date, time, and day. And on the top it shows you everything your on, so i have a little guy waving when I'm on
AIM. For some reason it's been freezing up when I look at pictures so I'll have to have that checked out. Battery life~ I usually get 2-3 days and I'm a texting teen so it's really good. My favorite feature on the phone is the camera, although you cannot zoom up when in use (or at least I don't know how). I love the negative feature on the camera where it turns the colors to their opposite.

The LG Shine
Long story short i was at work broke my phone went to the AT&T store. Right when i decided i was gonna get the recently released Sony Ericsson walkman i saw it was out of stock (thank god). So they pulled this phone out of the back and told me i should look at it. Of course it was the new LG cu720 shine. It was amazing at first glance i knew from the second i looked at it i was going to get this phone.
Well... it looks pretty, and I'm the only one in my area who has one (according to the people at the At&T store). Don't get me wrong its a great phone its got all the latest features to pump up your data plans and make u spend tons of money but have fun with TONS of different ways to use your data.
The bluetooth is great. I don't know that much about it but i haven't figured out how to send files and receive files from other phones with bluetooth. I don't even know if you can do that.
But... oh but... I hate reading these reviews and hearing people complain about button size.. But really the buttons on this phone are tiny.
Also i'm the kinda person who wants everyone in their address book to have a different ringtone (over exaggeration). But thats hard to do when it does not support ringtones larger than 300kb. and if it does... i haven't figured out how (Some help on how to do that would be swell). So right now i have one home made crappy compressed ringtone on this phone that only last for 19 seconds before repeating..
Finally the battery life is poor... i hope i can replace it in the future it.
By biggest beef is the ringtones but if you're the person with small hands and not big on ringtones or battery life then this is the phone for you.
I hope this review helps you in making your choice.
oh and you should also know theres an automatic key lock that locks every 5 seconds by default. you might want to change that. Also note i didn't have any trouble with the joy stick navigation.

love it!
pros: beauty, camera, shinyness, screen,3g
cons: navigation toggle is odd, price-199.99
I got this phone when it came out and i love it. Mobitv is great sound quality was great but i luv the camera the most. it takes awesome pix. the toggle is odd and kinda slow. this is a very sturdy phone for a slider. it also has a full metal back.

A New LG Fan I Am
Just picked up the shine. Love the layout and slider feels solid. Ringer is alittle quiet but I hate when I can hear someone ringtone from accross the street. 2.0mp camera is great, when you take pictures with the silder closed it looks like a digital camera.
Pros: 2.0mp Camera, Solid Slider, 3G internet (fast), Can Buy up to 4GB External Memory, Fast PC to phone transfer rate for homemade ringtones. Myspace Mobile & MobiTV Earpiece is loud on calls,Stylish, Price Paid $189.00
Cons: Ringer Volume alittle quiet, Joystick takes some getting use too. Buttons are compact. No 2.5 Universal from Ear Bud Jack.