Motorola V180 / V186 / V188
Average Ratings
great phone
Great phone that small and lightweight.
Good voice quality and good reception.
ringer not loud enough
looks like a child's plastic toy phone
VERY Average
If you are fanatically meticulous about keeping your phone scratch free, Motorola has provided you with the perfect frustration in the V180. Fly poop could scratch the face of this thing. No multiple numbers for contacts?? Alarm to wake you up every day is there, but it's awkward to find. It's not even under ALARM!!(Samsung still has the best Alarms to let you sleep in on the weekends if you want). I had superior reception with my Nokia 6010. Heck, even with my Samsung. It is a very good phone if none of the above means anything to you. It will get the job done.
Finally I can breath a sigh of relief. Motorola has finally provided a inexpensive phone that will appeal to everyone. it is great I have only one complaint. Just a small one. Why so few voice dials.
Not Quite A Winner
With some modifications, this could be a very good phone. However, the current shortcomings are major, at least for me. I selected this phone because of the supposedly ability to store multiple numbers for an individual name, the speakerphone and clamshell case, but I'm considering switching to the Nokia 6200 within the 30-day trial period.
-attractive, professional appearance
-good size and weight
-has speakerphone (however, sound quality could be improved)
-phone numbers on screen easy to see when calling
-attractive blue backlighting of keys
-good price for the features, if they are improved
-cannot store multiple numbers under one name (the same name is repeated for each number; therefore, no way tell if a listed name/# is for home, business, fax or cell without taking more steps; if one name has five numbers, that name fills the entire screen; searching takes longer; Motorola needs to take a lesson from the Nokia 6200 about storing multiple numbers under a name)
-screen icons are poorly designed and not very legible on screen
-the screen is not sharp and scratches easily; it should have higher resolution to eliminate fuzziness
-the instruction manual is TERRIBLE! Poorly organized and very poor explanation of how to use features (Motorola definitely needs to take a lesson from Nokia here.)