LG Rumor / Scoop / UX-260
Average Ratings
Excellent choice
I have made the right choice so I wanted to take the time to let others know. I am giving this phone maximum credit because it totally deserves it!
I love everything about this phone and mostly:
The slider
The Keyboard
The buttons
The Speakerphone
The MP3 player
The size and shape
The look
My only wish...a flash with the camera. No big deal though it still deserves a perfect score.
hi i'm bob i work at sprint i like this phone its made to lat. made out of a hard ruber and metal the txt is grat but the ather things it can do is myspace and facebook.data is grat the rison i gave it a 4.5 it dos not have 2.mp cam it has a mp3 and v2 speeker bluetooth its geat .talking on the phone is grate and clear it dos not have (voic D) but all an all its a grate phone.