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Motorola RIZR Z3


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Very nice handset


Dec 24, 2006 by tgif123

Purchased this a few days ago, unlocked, for use on Rogers. Previously using V3i

Fantastic screen, slightly smaller than V3i but very good, very sharp images.
Earpiece volume is fantastic, no need to replace gain_table as I did on V3i.
Voice commands very good.
Closing the slide auto-locks the keypad, opening it unlocks.
Can use phone in closed mode.
VERY SOLID feeling phone, rubbery texture, very nice.
Keypad, very good feel and great improvement on 5 way toggle.
Camera not bad but not important to me.

I have the "no time and icons" issue but will fix that shortly.
Other than that, hard pressed to find issue with this phone and consider it a great upgrade to the V3i.

I was also looking at the Samsung D900 and played with both before choosing the RIZR. Got to admit I expected to walk out with the D900......feature wise, it's a beast....but it just felt....cheap.

The RIZR is very solidly constructed and just reeks of quality. The RF has been fantastic, clarity of calls excellent, and the volume levels outstanding....that's a big issue I had with V3's.

Nice phone!

One of T Mobile's good phones


Jul 5, 2007 by christyxcore

- rubberized feel, build is very solid
- Camera is pretty good from what I've experienced. 2 MP and the flash is excellent. See all the pictures I've taken with my RIZR and see for yourself ( www.flickr.com/photos/christyxcore )
- Slider is more solid than other sliders (like the Chocolate from Verizon which I stil use)
- Reception is pretty good for where I am, in Cerritos, CA. Not as good as Nokias I hear, though.
- Easy to navigate (if you've ever had a Moto before)
- Call volume is good, speakerphone can be better though.

- Menu laggy (can help a bit if you get the latest software upgrade)
- Music player not that great, though it is easy to use, it takes forever to load and very annoying when you accidentally hit the smart button if it's set to that)
- Motorola software can be buggy (I've already had to send my phone back to T-Mobile for warranty replacement after a bit more than a month of use because the iTap began to freeze the phone or was extremely laggy, causing me to wait about a minute to just get one word in)
- Keypad is a fingerprint magnet
- Like my previous RAZR, dust can get under the screen.

- Texting is not as bad as people say. I'm a heavy texter and have had no real problems texting a lot each day (until the software issue I mentioned earlier)

I'm pretty satisfied with it for what it's worth. Decent phone, but if you're going for a music phone, you should pick the Nokia 5300. I like this phone for the camera, the great build quality, and the looks of it. Nice package.

Great Phone


Mar 22, 2007 by rskz

Everything I expected! great phone.


- Great slider. smooth slide, not flimsy.
- Best camera I've seen, made to be used sideways. the camera light is referred to as a flash and a light, so I wasn't sure what to expect, I was glad to see it works as a light, but also flashes brighter when the picture is taken.
- mp3 player functions built in, playlists, front buttons work as music controls while music is playing. music will keep playing while other phone functions are accessed.
- Very solid buttons, not flimsy like on the razr.
- Great sound quality, both on and off speakerphone. speaker independent voice commands work right out of the box.

- Strange software issues, no clock, several features disabled or hidden so that they are inaccessible without advanced editing. apparently IM is one of these features. hopefully this will be fixed in the US release?
- Thats it, nothing that cant be fixed with a little research and a usb cable.

Overall this phone feels extremely well made, and looks awesome. if you don't need a dataphone, this is probably your best option.

Motorola Awesome!!


Mar 17, 2007 by twkroberts

Let me begin by saying I guess I am a phone trader. I buy and sell. Let me get to my review of this great Motorola Masterpiece!
Finally Motorola has come up with some class! Moto Rizr!

I purchased this phone off a seller on Ebay and did a little searching for setting up my Media Net which wasn't hard to do by researching on-line. The unlocked version works great with Cingular. Put the Sim card in and it was ready to go! Anyway check out the Pros and Cons:

Lets begin with the Pros:
Great Reception! (Even in KY Rural)
Great Ear-piece!
Music Player!
Micro SD 2GB
Great 2MP Camera (Still Pics and Video) (Landscape is great)
Bright Screen!
Great Battery Life
Good Speaker-phone.
Oh Yes: Better than the RAZR!

No clock.
Getting Back Cover on and off a little difficult.
Some Finger Prints.

Overall Get the phone! It is a major +++ for the Motorola. Similar to Samsung Slider and LG Choc, But much Better! Check it out you will enjoy!

This Phone Sucks


Feb 12, 2009 by mlj2577

This Phone is th worst phone I have ever purchased. I really don't have a problem with texting or any of the features on it. My problem is that the navigational pad completely came off for a second time.
Just in case you don't know what I am talking about. This particular phone is made with a little circle with a button in the middle of it. It is used to direct you to certain features, and the button in the middle initiates your selection. When I called T-Mobile about the problem they apologized, advised me it was a poorly manufactured phone, and offered to send me the same phone free of charge for my inconvenience.
Well my first mistake was accepting their offer. No more than 4months down the line, I had the exact same problem I had the first time, and to make matters worse their is a small bar on the phone that makes it easier to slide the phone up and down so you can use the keypad. That button has fallen off as well. I called T-mobile again to complain about the problem and look for a different alternative, because apparently I will continue to have the same problem.
Their reps, sups, and managers, kept telling me that my only option was to either accept them sending me the same phone or upgrade. Now I ask myself, why would I allow a company to send me the same phone if I am going to have the same problems. Am I the only person in the world that believes that is just a little uh lets say backwards?
Trust me, don't get this phone, it is a waste of your money.

really bad fone


Feb 9, 2009 by dark puff ball

I would say that this is THE worst fone i hav had. 4 1 its slow. when im txting on it ill be finished typing on it & letters r still appearing. the camera was slow 2. at least it came with a light. also if ur a really big texter like me & my bro then b aware that the keys r likely 2 start messing up. 4 mine it would just start puting abunch 6s on & on. & it would bring up t zones on its own. my bros went out. if u use the middle buttons alot they will fall off. never hav i had even near this many problems!

Nice phone - DURABLE!!!???


Jan 6, 2009 by DJMasters

I've been really happy with my RIZR Z3, no complaints really but I'm a very basic phone user..

I'll give Motorola an A+ for durability though, I accidentally dropped it in the toilet yesterday and it didn't die. Let it dry out and it still works perfectly. Not sure I still wanna use it since it was in the toilet, but that's my problem....



Dec 8, 2008 by luv2text007

ive had this phone for three years and its been great. its well built, and its durable, even to the frequent dropper.
-good camera
-easy to text(good layout-easy functioning)
-big,easypush buttons
-good battery life
-awesome screen
-flash for camera
-very user friendly
-when the lights are off, i use front as a mirror
-button in middle of arrows on front fell off
-fingers smudge glass front
-if battery is low,things like texting slowly stop working
-buttons on sides are easily pushed in skinny jeans
this phone is an all around great phone, and its still in great condition after three years.

I love retards...


Dec 5, 2008 by joechains

I love this phone, but its so retarded and slow! Ah what a surprise... just like my chick, ha ha ha! Seriously thou! I text fast and it takes forever. The mp3 player is not as loud as it could, cuz I am deaf. The camera w/ flash takes great pics and helps out as a flash light! Love to use it as a flash drive at skool too. But its just too damn slow and I am very impatient! For the most part, very user friendly thou!

Awesome phone


Aug 16, 2008 by Melz

Overall this phone was great. I had it for a year and was satisfied with everything except for thhe round buttons. The only problem with it is the circle buttons are just stickers so after so long they start to come off.

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