LG Dare VX-9700
Phone Scoop Review
Jul 10, 2008 by Eric M. Zeman
LG's Dare is its best touch-screen phone yet, but it's not perfect. See what shines, and what fizzles. read review ›
User Reviews
Average Ratings

Good but room for improvment
I've owned this phone for a little over 2 weeks, I am also a convert from Sprint (of 5 yrs) to Verizon. I switched because sprint only has coverage on major roads in my area and it was long overdue. This is a great phone for those who want a lot of functionality without a full blown smart phone. My minor gripes are that the bluetooth stereo quality is not as good as the cheap chinese dongle I bought off of ebay for my ipod (which is indistinguishable from using corded headphones), and vcast movies don't even remotely come close to being played full screen. I don't particularly find the camera very good, but this comes from someone who uses a DSLR most of the time.
Touch screen is responsive
Large screen
Pocketable size
Call quality
Full bluetooth capabilities
regular size headphone jack
Vcast videos not full screen
Bluetooth Stereo Quality is not great
Finger Print magnet but its a touch screen so its ok
Camera sucks for indoor shots in low light
Camera shutter delay
Having to pay for GPS navigation service if you don't sign up for premium service

I was not even going to get this phone, I have a BB Pearl and a Voyager I was planning on passing this up and grabbing grabbing the BB Thunder, but then I played with this in a store. I bought it and sold my Voyager. The touch is great on this phone, if anyone out there dogs on it, they have either never used it, only played with it for a minute or two, or they are just full of it. The touch is a close second to the iphone, I personally feel it is better because I like the Vibe touch(but that is personal preference) On the scale of miss hits and ease of use It would be hard to blow this one off in comparison. I will say it kills the Insctint, Voyager, Glyde, touch!
If you are looking for a multimedia phone on Verizon this is it, best phone they have out for that right now by far.
Screen= easy to read and touch is very responsive
Camera/Video= Best I have ever used on a phone by far! Edit software and graffiti really cool
Mp3= they brought back the ability to play in the background, you can even scroll and go through songs while in background. Added 3.5 jack
Internet= fast and easy to use and read once you get used to using the external buttons, it was a little hard at first but now i fly with this thing(much faster then my voyager)
Battery= so far i have been pretty happy with battery life
Bluetooth= synced right up and let me transfer calender to pc! also hooked up no issue to car stereo for hands free and mp3 playback through stereo. Sent ringtones through bt to my sounds folder(then mms to myself for free ring tones)
ui= Best Ui on any Verizon phone period.. not argument. The favorite contact feature is cool(you create a picture icon for contact and touch it to call or text them)
Not many but they could have included TV and a few more themes. i would rank this higher but I refuse to give any phone a perfect score because I don't believe there is one. The Dare however is probably the Best phone On Verizon I have ever used

Great Phone from LG
I was a little hesitant to leave sprint because I have had my 700p & 755p for so many years I felt there would never be anything that would be able to compete.
I visited a Verizon store and was extremely impressed with the Dare on the sales floor. I made the decision to try the phone out and I must say, I am extremely surprised on how well this phone performs.
There is a small learning curve and Ive only had the phone less then 24 hours and this is what I have found.
Overall I would truly recommend this phone to anyone who is looking for a lot of the features that a PDA/Smartphone.
If your looking for a phone you can browse full internet sites (Myspace, CNN, NHL etc.) Full Keyboards, Music, Being able to send Picture Mail via MMS well look no further. You found what your looking for in the Dare.
Extremely Light Weight
Crystal Clear Display
Wonderful Speaker phone
Very easy to text using fingers or thumbs
Drop & Drag Menu
3.2 Mega-pix Camera w/flash
Attracts Fingerprints and face oils very easy
Having to double tap something for it to register
If you have any questions, I would be more then happy to talk to you about the phone or the past phones I have used.

I like it a lot!
I just bought my Dare yesterday and I am loving it. I am picky about the functionality and gadget side of phones (not so much the technical) and I must say this one is really nice! I have never had a touch screen phone before because I am a text addict. I was a little worried about the keyless keyboard feature at first. I have tried many other touch screen phones on the market and ended up turning them all down because I could never get the hang of it. Maybe my fingers are fat and I just don't want to admit it :) I am finding texting to be pretty easy so far with the Dare. I also love the camera. it has so many features to play with! I do wish the phone came with more ringtones to chose from. LG has always been my favorite phone brand and I loved some of the ringtone choices on their older phones. I think the Iphone is really neat but I dislike the carrier and the phone seems delicate. The Dare functions a lot like the Iphone and seems a little tougher and it is smaller, which is nice. Overall, I think this is going to be a great phone for Verizon. I have gotten lots of compliments on it already and I look forward to learning more about it. Oh, and lastly, I haven't figured out how to activate the keyboard to type onto websites to login in and such. That was not obvious to me. I am going to call about this.

Great Phone
This phone is awesome.
Great Camera
Full HTML Web browsing
Touch screen is far more responsive then anything else I have ever used
virtual qwerty keyboard is easy and fast to use
evdo rev a is LIGHTNING fast.
The Network
attracts fingerprints
no GIN at launch
no mobile TV

Can't Put It down!
I've only had this phone for a day and a half and i cant put it down! I must first say that I have been waiting for this phone to come out since May, and as of now, i don't have any regrets of paying full price for it because my new every two doesnt come til next year. After reading some of the negative reviews i was a bit skeptical, but after having played with the phone for five minutes i thought "what were they thinkin'". Obviously every phone is not for every one, nor will it be made to each users specific needs, but as for me its everything I wanted and more!
Great Call quality
Don't have to continuously tap the screen for an action
Great customization features
Great sound quality
It was easy to listen to my music from my sd card that was in my enV
Ability to charge the phone through the computer
Internet works quickly
Position recogition( from horizontal to vertical)
Ease of texting (im a text-aholic i can adapt to n e type of texting)w/ t9 and QWERTY
There's so many I can't even think of what to put!
Required to pay the 15 dollars/month for the internet
All in all its a great phone. So of course its a touch screen and if finger prints are your pet peeve then there are protective screen covers available which i bought immediately. Texting is easy especially if you are a text-aholic and can adapt to any form. I don't think many will be disappointed with this buy.

This is the best phone that LG and Verizon have created. Yes, the touchscreen is not 100% reactive but a quick double tap and it responds to the touch. I'll just list the pros and cons:
- great screen; bright, large and responds to proximity to save battery
- much improved UI and theme choices over previous phones
- excellent audio quality with headphones with excellent volume
- very good audio quality with speaker (built-in, not speaker-phone)
- speaker-phone is much clearer and has less distortion than Voyager
- touchscreen response much better than Voyager but not perfect
- 3.5mm headphone jack
- great camera in a phone
- lighter than Voyager
- on-screen keyboard is pretty good (adjustment period required)
- incoming sound quality is excellent
- slightly better reception than Voyager
- browser is better than Voyager
- standard micro-usb charging connector
- replaces Nano with 8gb microSD card
- feels much better in hand than Voyager (size and comfort)
- Bluetooth allows file transfer
- easy to lose headphone plug (or leave off permanently)
- fingerprint and face print magnet, use screen protector

I just got this phone today and I am a VZW employee, I also have the Voyager.
This phone is AMAZING i LOVE it, i've played with it nonstop since I got it and I cant seem to put it down.
The camera and the editing/features are TOP notch
The screen is TWICE as good as that of the Voyager
The size is great its feels perfect in your hands.
I love the favorites icon for contacts
SUPER fast browser
3.5MM jack for music I have 250 songs and its nice to have
VZW new UI is amazing and much different great step in the right direction!
Wish the music player was a little more user friendly.
That's about it, I love the phone best phone that VZ has out at the moment!

This is a great phone
I wanted an iPhone but since I live on the east coast their service isn't great and I wanted to stay with Verizon. I was disappointed with all of the phones that Verizon had until this phone. When I first got it, I had a little trouble with the touch screen but as soon as I calibrated it, it started working great. I now have no problems with the touch screen and really like the phone. I would suggest getting a screen protector (I'm getting the invisibleshield) to keep it from getting scratched. I just wish the vibrate worked better. I use vibrate all the time because ringers are obnoxious and I can barely feel it when I am sitting still. I am really glad they put the buttons on the outside though since they make certain functions very easy without having to unlock the touch screen. The is the only phone I would recommend on the Verizon network!
-size and weight
-large screen
-touch screen works great
-sound quality is great
-easy to personalize
-love having extra buttons not on touch screen
-camera is great
-lots of great features
-vibrate is very weak
-calender is kinda lame
-would like a "to do list" feature

Best Phone From Verizon So Far
Let me say first off that i have pretty much owned every higher-end phone that verizon has carried. from the voyager to the chocolates to the vx9400 and so on and so on. but this phone is astonishing. the touch screen interface surpasses my expectations and is nothing whatsoever like the voyager.
-Touch Screen Interface
-Browser(Im typing this review on it right now)
-Music Player(Standalone from standard verizon music player)
-Camera(3.2mp and much better quality than the samsung flipshot)
-Multitasking(like the origional chocolate but better)
_QWERTY keyboard(beats out the iphone in my book)
EVDO Rev.A - Lightning fast especially on mobile websites like m.facebook.com.
-VZW ringtones not availible until july 3rd.