LG Dare VX-9700
Phone Scoop Review
Jul 10, 2008 by Eric M. Zeman
LG's Dare is its best touch-screen phone yet, but it's not perfect. See what shines, and what fizzles. read review ›
User Reviews
Average Ratings

I must say this is one sweet phone. Everything with the software was planned to the T. People complaining about the touchscreen should not have ANY gripes. How do you adjust to a phone you JUST GOT! Give it more than 2 minutes before you write a review dissing the Touchscreen. The ease of use with this phone is amazing. Sound clarity is excellent. The only thing I don't like is that when I am using the phone as a music player, when the phone locks and then I unlock it again, I have to push the pause button before I can fast forward to the next song in my car. The fast forward button should work right after unlocking it. Makes for somewhat of a pain. I hope the updated software will fix this problem. Beside that I highly recommend this phone. The internet works amazing. iPHONE who? Who would want one of those slow useless bricks when you can have a dare? CAN YA HEAR ME NOW?!?!

Love it so far
First of this phone is sexy!
I have had it for a day now so here goes
1 sexy phone great size
2 Camera takes great pictures
3 the touch is very responsive ( better than I had expected)
4 Call quality is very clear
5 key lock works great( I kept it in my pocket all last night at work and it did not unlock once.
1 I get a week signal in my basement (but this has been the case with almost every phone I have had so its no really a con just a personal gripe)
2 you cannot adjust touch sensitivity.
3 Attracts face grease and fingerprints

GREAT phone! Better than I expected!
I was on the fence about getting this phone, because I had heard so much about the texting difficulty. I am a big texter. I recently switched to this from the LG Voyager, and that was different because it had a full keyboard.
But, this phone was a MAJOR upgrade. Anything I didn' tlike on the voyager this phone corrected. This is so much better than I expected!
=Three day + battery life! (When texting a lot, two days + more for me..)
-AMAZING camera!
-You can move the icons around on the menu!
-Loud speaker and ringtones/music! (My voyager's was too quiet..)
-Great calling quality
-Small size, not bulky at all!
-Feels very high end - everything is stylish, and NOT cheap looking at all.
-Very high resolution on phone.
-V-Cast music can be used in the background when texting and stuff, that is great!
-A nice back that is not easily scratched (Although for front, I reccomend screen protector!)
-Texting is a breeze especially T9..keyboard, see cons
-This phone can be flipped horizontally! and the screen turns on texting and mobile web / music!
-The keyboard, at first use, is a little different than one with keys. But, calibrate your touchscreen a few times and it learns your fingers and gets a lot better!
-No spell check on texting. The Dare REALLY needs this because of the small QWERTY "keys" on the touchscreen. But if you watch what you text it gets easier.
-The phone is so small, I am afraid to drop it all the time..I strongly recommend a case or cover at least!
-Still no threaded texting - the enV Touch has it now.
Honestly, it is hard for me to think of cons. The only real one I have is the keyboard, which is fine once you get used to it after a day or two or even an hour or two!

Dare - Overall Good Phone
I am overall happy with the Dare. Though I'm not positive, I do think I got a better signal on my red Chocolate (seems like I lose a bit more calls). It is hard to tell for sure and we live in a bad signal area, but it's better than most phones.
I like many of the features. The ones I don't like are changed features in the software of many of the new Verizon phones, so has nothing to do with the Dare itself (like for one, no individual text sounds can be selected for the various contacts, like you can for the ringtone).
The one con that I have for the Dare is that the qwerty keyboard is hard to use. I think my fingers are on the smaller side, but the buttons aren't consistent in picking up my touch...even though I've played around with the sensitivety adjustment. But the regular phone keyboard touch works pretty good.
The scrolling takes some time getting used to. The first week was a bit frustrating, but after that I learned the knack of it and get around better. I have a lot of contacts, so that's part of the problem, I need to do a LOT of scrolling. I'm okay with it now though.

Exchanged Storm for Dare today.
I know they are not in the same league. The Dare is not a smartphone. The storm was way too buggy and I was not really needing a smartphone. So, I traded it in for the Dare today and I am thrilled. The Dare is unbelievably intuitive. It is very easy and fun to navigate. And everything just makes sense when your using it. Your never guessing.
Fun phone
Very Light Weight
Easy to hold.
Feels solid yet light.
Good look and customization is there.
Battery Life.
Art program is a neat touch.
Ease of use Simple yet still fun and interesting.
Games available.
Amazing Camera.
Micro card slot.
Texting is pretty good on it actually. Better than I thought it would be.
Sometimes touch could be a little more sensitive but, Not bad at all... That is all I could come up with honestly.
The storm is AMAZING but, still has glitches, camera has a major issue with timing. Lagging still, freezes up easily.
The dare is not as smart but, way easier and more reliable. I am happy now. Maybe a smarter phone next year.

experienced review
i really enjoy the phone. its totally a looker and a lot of fun to have but ive had it for a little over a month and the touch is starting to get on my nerves.
its no iphone, but its probably the closest to it.
-looks awesome
-touch is actually very good.
- games are pretty fun on it.
-very smart response to when phone is at your ear and when its not.
-easy to navigate
-very customizable
-camera is very, very good
-battery life is very good
-reception is very good
-speakerphone is very good
-audio quality is very good
-easy to unlock
-easy to unlock
-although touch is very smart, its almost impossible to text and not look at the screen.
-texting gets annoying after messing up a bunch of times. you will notice this most if you have a signature
-t9 forgets words and is not consistent about remembering new words (still doesnt know my last name)
overall i think the phone was done really well, but maybe its just not for me with the touch. i tend to text pretty fast and you really have to concentrate when texting on this phone. im probably going to try and sell it and get the env2.

Very happy with this phone!
I bought this phone 6 weeks ago and I very happy with my purchase. I browsed phones for about 3 months and couldn't find anything I really wanted. Then the dare was released and I got it the same day. I love the touch screen - have no problems at all with it. I like that I can use either keypad/keyboard, as it changes with how you hold the phone. I'm a camera person and I love the camera on this. Takes great pictures. My only complaints so far are that when I hold the phone with my left hand, I tend to cover the microphone which is in the bottom left corner of the front of the phone. Also, I wish the speakerphone was better. People say they can't hear me if it's just a little bit far from my mouth. But these are things I can live with. I would definitely recommend this phone! http://LG-Dare.com

great phone
i have had this phone for a few weeks now, and i must say that it is by far the best phone i have ever had. all touch screen, GREAT camera, full web browser, ect. the only thing that takes a little getting used to is the virtual keyboard, but its not that bad considering i am actually writing this review using the phone itself. =)

LG Dare on Verizon
This phone is the best phone Verizon currently has, touch screen or otherwise. There is a learning curve, especially if you came from using a PDA phone like a BlackBerry. I was able to use Bluetooth to move my contacts from my PC to the Dare with no problems. I had to manually enter calendar entries. Music can be synced through the included Rhapsody software, and you do not have to subscribe to do it.
The 3.2 megapixel camera takes great photos. The built in speaker is clear and loud, right on par with the BB Curve I left behind for the Dare.
I get strong signal everywhere I go.
I do not do much web surfing from my phone (that is what my PC is for), so the included web browser works well for me.
Maybe through future updates, the Dare will be able to sync with MS Office Outlook for contacts and calendar entries. LG also needs to make it less complex to transfer album art to the phone.
One of the best things is that this is not a PDA phone, so it is not subject to a $30 or higher data plan. I do recommend getting VCast and the contact backup manager. I would also recommend getting screen protectors.
I am still having BlackBerry withdrawals, but the Dare has made it rather easy.
Dare to try one today!

Very nice
Very nice gadget! It also lets me make phone calls!! LOL
I have had no problems with this phone what so ever..Nice call quality, texting took a few hours to master but no issues now.
Touch screen was great after calibration.
Camera is well awesome! with all of the editing features.
Mp3 player above average.
Contacts were a little hard to access at first but after setting up the favorites list its a non-issue.
Screen is crystal clear!
Solid construction.
Would highly recommend if you were in the market for a touch screen only phone.