LG enV VX-9900
Phone Scoop Review
Mar 6, 2007 by Eric Zeman
Our in-depth review of Verizon's sophomore messaging phone. It's as good at photos as it is at email. read review ›
User Reviews
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The Lg EnV :)
OMG i love this phone!!!!
+ good camera
+ awesome keyboard
+ the front screen is awesome to have
- turns off and on by itself
- the vibration is VERY loud
- the front screen when you text there and go inside to text more but then you try to finish texting on the front again it just closes out an d doesnt save it as a draft.
over all its a awesome phone:)

Good at FIRST, ends up SUCKING!
OK..so I got this phone from Verizon 2 years ago and really liked it at first. Battery was good, calls were clear, loved the QWERTY inside...the inside screen was large and the sound quality for music was great. Camera quality was also pretty good...
2 years later, Im ready to upgrade..these are the issues that I have been facing with my phone. The battery is TOAST. It holds a charge that allows me to make phone calls that are about 45 seconds long, then dies.
The opening where you stick the charging cord to charge the phone is totally messed up and I have to fiddle with it for over a half hour sometimes just to get it to charge at ALL, and even when I have to hold it in position. THE CHARGER WAS NOT BUILT FOR LONG, EXTENDED USE!! The phone frequently shuts down all by itself, and it has started dialing people off the Made Calls list at random, without anyone even touching the phone. Considering the amount of money that I spent on the phone, its TOTALLY not worth it.
Now I am considering an upgrade..I like the Voyager because i am used to the phone opening with the QWERTY inside, but it looks almost just like the EnV, and the CHARGER is the same style, I dont recommend that at all. I am also considering the DARE, which looks pretty awesome and has a GREAT camera, but the screen gets finger prints easily, the QWERTY is hard to use, and you need a stylus for complete accuracy...yet there is no place on the phone to STORE a stylus (what were they thinking?)
Anyway...DONT BUY AN EnV..not worth the money considering the problems you will face with it down the road.

Its been a pain
Camera is great
qwerty keyboard takes some getting use to but easy to use
excellent battery life for those that don't talk too much on the phone.
Can't text in IM while closed
Light stays on while charging
While using yahoo messenger the phone turns on and off. (I have had 5 of the envs, all did the same thing, shut on and off, I simply had enough)
no speaker phone while closed
using email button requires $20 fee (where is the convenience without being gouged)
external screen is a bit small
limited menus on front display
Overall if you like to text and you use yahoo messenger, I'd skip this phone. The rest of the cons I could live with. I could not deal with the phone shutting on and off while texting. My last env started shutting off while I was on the phone. Not good. 5/5 env phones and they all did the same thing. Lets see how the env2 works.

This phone is ok!
I have had this phone for about a year. I LOVED it at first but i have lost that passion over the months! You almost get sick of the keyboard!
-Great battery life
-dual screens are handy!
-speakers ARE GREAT!
-good for texting
-the front # are very small
-the front screen is small
-you get sick of the keyboard
-the camera is awkward
-sometimes not responsive
overall its a OK phone!

Not very happy...
Well i have had this phone for about 3 months now and i am not happy at all.
The size is great
QWERTY keyboard is great
Camera/video camera is great
Nice and loud ringtones
Bad reception
Echos alot
front screen is very small
speaker phone is kind of soft
My friend has the LG Voyager and I LOVE it! I am thinking upgrading to that.

This is a very nice QWERTY Keypad phone! [pros and cons.....
-Qwerty keyboard
- V-CAST music,T.V,GAMES
-clamshell style + more
-Cant access V-cast,Get it now (when closed)
-Bulges out of pocket
-scratches easily
overall its a really good phone

this is a good phone all around, easy to use, good front display good inside display but there are flaws
i have owned this phone for a little over a year now and i can not begin to tell you how many times I've had to get it replaced because it has broken
it really does not have good durability and the camera starts to kind of suck after a while, it's good when there is sunlight or bright bright lights but when you're in a normal lighted room it is foggy and the picture quality is not so good.
also, talking on it is a pain because it is basically just like holding a big brick up to your ear and talking into it. not so comfortable, i am thinking about moving to the samsung alias because i miss the flip phone. i had a razr before this one and i honestly miss it.
very easy-to-use keyboard
decent camera
decent front and internal screen
good zoom on camera
easy to use front keys
loud speaker phone
annoying brick design
foggy camera
can't reach get it now on front screen
breaks VERY easily
very easily scratched
the first day i got mine i had to exchange it for a new one because calls weren't coming through
vibrate is VERY loud and very annoying

Good..for a while.
I recently switched from Tmobile to Verizon. I was deciding between this Phone and the Blue Ice Chocolate. I Loved this phone for a while and then it got annoying. Its still pretty good but it just is a little weird. I wish the to get to the QWERTY keyboard you could just slide it.
Great Camera
QWERTY keyboard
Interesting Design
Small front screen
Battery becomes loose.
Calls people in your pocket
Lens Cover serves no purpose
It kind of bulky but you get used to it
There are some phones that seem to be way better from verizon. I dont even text on the keyboard side all the time. Also the MP3 player get clicked on in my purse or pocket.

This phone is of one of the best qualities I have ever seen!
There are so many pros I can barely name them!
First off, there is CRYSTAL CLEAR call quality! Also, there is an AMAZING camera! It takes pictures that are almost as good as my digital camera!
The interior screen / keyboard is quite perfect for texters like me.
The speaker quality is impeccable!
The battery life is decent.
THE SERVICE (on america's best network, Verizon) has NEVER let me down yet! I have always had some sort of service!
With the 3G service, downloads only take seconds
Features VCAST music, with stereo speakers!!
There are so many apps, such as mobile IM and VZ Navigator that just make this phone perfect! Mobile E-mail is also available as well!
-The texting is available for people who don't like the QWERTY keypad (I question why you would buy this phone if you didn't) on the exterior like a traditional phone
-Unlike many other phones (especially the chocolate) the exterior keys are EXTREMELY spaced apart, very easy to dial!
-All keys are very nicely backlit!
There are a few cons, but the pros definitely outweigh them!
-Exterior screen is small..but you will get used to it after awhile
-There is no spacebar in the middle of the keypad (which is understandable, because if they added it on, the phone would have to get bulkier..)
-The bluetooth is limited and does not allow file transfer
-The keylock is just unlocked by pressing the "ok" button, so sometimes it unlocks in my pocket and calls people. It only happened once or twice. A lot of times, the V-cast music comes on because I have an exterior button set.
I have no other complaints! This phone is just perfect, and I strongle reccomend buying it to anybody who is thinking about it!

Good phone!
I think that the lg enV is a pretty good phone. It is a good phone for younger teenagers who like to texyt so if you like to text i recommend you buy this phone and get unlimited texting. here are some pros and cons
.Front keypad and inside qwerty keypad
.long battery
.very durable
.can be used as mp3 player
.v cast music and video
.2.0 mega pixel camera with screen protector
.qwerty keypad is hard to use
.frequently restarts itself
.speaker can only be used when phone is opened