Google Trialling White Space Database with FCC
Mar 4, 2013, 12:35 PM by Eric M. Zeman
Google today revealed that it has begun public trials of its white space spectrum database in cooperation with the Federal Communications Commission. The trial, which will run for 45 days, is meant to help verify the accuracy of the database. According to Google the trial is for stakeholders (broadcasters, cable, wireless microphone users, licensed spectrum holders) and not consumers. They are encouraged to use the database to check for available white space spectrum in their area. White space spectrum is the thin slivers of unlicensed airwaves that reside between broadcast television channels. The FCC wants to be able to free this spectrum up for mobile broadband use by consumers. The process to identify white space spectrum and create devices that can accurately sniff it out and not interfere with the neighboring TV channel spectrum is a process that's been years in the making.
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