FBI Cracks iPhone, Drops Court Case v Apple
Mar 28, 2016, 6:24 PM by Eric M. Zeman
updated Mar 28, 2016, 6:36 PM
The FBI today said it has unlocked the iPhone involved in the San Bernardino shooting case without Apple's help. An outside organization offered to help open the locked iPhone for the FBI last week after Apple refused to help. The FBI put its case against Apple on hold pending the viability of the third-party's claim. After assessing the method, the FBI was able to unlock the iPhone in question and is now examining the contents within. Apple did not immediately offer comment on the FBI's apparent breakthrough. The FBI has dropped its case against Apple.
And Apple is trying to play it off like they really care about our privacy, although in truth they've helped various facets of the government break directly into untold numbers of devices for Years, and they were one of the original privacy sellout tech firms.
Not to mention all the backend support they give governments without our knowledge, like back when they let the NSA setup a room in one of their datacenters, or the nine other ways t...
The Identity of the Third Party
http://www.macrumors.com/2016/03/23/fbi-israeli-firm ... »
Don't know if they were the ones to unlock it or someone else.