Cricket Leaping Into Oregon
Jul 10, 2006, 1:38 PM by (staff)
Leap Wireless has formed a joint venture that will allow the fixed price carrier to expand into Oregon. Leap will work together with CSM Wireless and WLPCS Management to launch Cricket service in Oregon. Leap sold two of its Ohio licenses to fixed price carrier Revol in exchange for $28.5 million, most of which was put into the Oregon joint venture. Between the cash and licenses for Salem and Eugene, Leap will own 73% of the joint venture. CMS will contribute its license for Portland. Together the joint venture can provide service to about 50% of Oregon's population. There is no word when cricket will launch there yet.
Make way...
the only little guy making it is altell.
suncom has a chance but they dont know what they are doing. they need to revamp their higher office.
Just another rich man's toy...
Am I missing something???