Battle For Regional Licenses Heats Up Further
Aug 14, 2006, 12:13 PM by (staff)
Updated. Recent rounds of the AWS auction have seen a much larger growth in the total of winning bids. First growing by over $1 billion in round 8 and 9, and now by $500 million in round 10. The bids total over $4.5 billion after round 10. In round 8 of the AWS auction bidding, T-mobile set the new financial pace by taking back its crown as auction leader, with a temporary lead of $1.1 billion in bids, but lost many of those licenses in round 9. The large regional licenses are still the hottest property, trading hands in almost every round. AWS Wireless no longer is winning the bulk of these blocks nor does any one company holds a majority of them at present. If competition continues at its current pace, experts expect the auction to bring in $7-15 billion. The FCC was required to raise at least $2 billion in this auction in order to cover the costs of moving certain government users off the spectrum.