Q Update Enables DUN, Push Email
Aug 30, 2006, 11:48 AM by (staff)
Motorola has made a software update available for the Q smartphone sold through Verizon. The update includes the long awaited Microsoft Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MSFP). This enables true push email, global contact lookup and security features like remote device erase for users running on an Exchange 2003 server. The update also includes the ability to use the Q as a modem for a laptop through USB or Bluetooth (DUN). Users will need to subscribe to a special data plan to use this feature. In addition to new features, the update also includes bug fixes and improvements to existing applications such as the browser.
So Wait.....
P.S. If I decide to buy the Q, I will be selling my unlocked and unbranded V3C. It is straight from Motorola with absoltuely no preloaded software of any kind. If anyone is interested, you can e-mail me: polska25@hotmail.com