Verizon Ready to Light up More Mid-Band 5G Using Band 48
Jun 14, 2022, 10:53 AM by Rich Brome
Verizon has successfully tested 5G technology in two different modes within band 48, also known as CBRS. At 3.5 GHz, this valuable mid-band spectrum is close to the C Band spectrum that Verizon recently deployed. The two bands will compliment each other, further improving the coverage and performance of Verizon's 5G network. Band 48 has a unique three-tier structure where the government has top-priority access (Tier 1), while companies with FCC licenses (mostly Verizon) have Tier 2 access, known as PAL (Priority Aaccess License). The third tier is General Authorized Access (GAA), which is open to anyone, much like Wi-Fi. Verizon has now successfully tested 5G using both PAL and GAA modes, giving Verizon users access to as much of band 48 as possible for 5G. Verizon already uses band 48 for 4G LTE service.
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