Sprint Names New CEO
Dec 18, 2007, 9:00 AM by Eric M. Zeman
updated Dec 18, 2007, 3:22 PM
After a two-month search, Sprint has chosen Daniel Hesse as its new president and chief executive officer. Hesse, 54, has served as the CEO of AT&T's Wireless services, the CEO of Sprint's Local Telecommunications Division and most recently as the CEO of a Sprint spin-off called Embarq. Hesse replaces acting CEO Paul Saleh immediately. Sprint's Board of Directors hopes that Hesse can help revitalize Sprint's operations and position in the market.
Hire someone in their 20's 30's?
These old CEO's are from the land-land age. They don't understand enough about wireless. Most wireless customers still use mainly voice, but they need to keep pushing them to upgrade. Text wasn't used all that much in the USA, now it's common place. We need a CEO who will buy great phones and market them well. I still think Sprint has the best offering, but no one seems to know how to market the company. And man do we get some bad phones!
Let's get a true Tech-Geek running Sprint, so they can do more with what they have.
Beginning of the End
Man I am glad I got out when I did.
(claiming is one thing but proving is another thing)
WHat you can count on from Mr. Hesse is that he will leverage the strengths of the company and turn around the marketing.
Its not as bad as you say
Previously, Hesse spent 23 years at AT&T. From 1997 to 2000, he served as the president and chief executive officer of AT&T Wireless Services, at the time the United States’ largest wireless operator with over 12 million customers.
http://mitworld.mit.edu/video/410/ »
http://telephonyonline.com/mag/telecom_new_guy_dan/ »
One longtime analyst of Sprint, Jeff Kagan, said that appointing Hesse is "great news for Sprint," adding that Hesse "may be the perfect choice."
Hesse had headed AT&T's wireless operation in the 1990s, creating a "strong and innovative company," Kagan said.
His performance heading up Embarq has also been impressive, Ka...
Correction about Embarq...
Hopefully Eric or Rich will read this and correct it in the post...
Setting the records straight
This guy was at AT&T Wireless during its brightest years(while under full AT&T control).
The guy that replaced him in 2000 WAS the guy that ran AT&T Wireless into the ground. That guy's name was John Zeglis. Around that time, AT&T Wireless was spun off into its own company(partially owned by NTT DoCoMo, like 9% I think).
Last I heard, Zeglis was a college professor at some small Liberal Arts school in Indiana.
In fact, here's a link to an interview with Zeglis(aka CEO that was even worse then Gary Forsee) after he let AT&T Wireless get bought out by Cingular: http://www.culver.org/news/News_Articles/Arti cles_0405/Zeglis%20USA%20Today.htm
THE number one thing
Can sprint bolster its reputation with this move?
Can they improve their service to a level that is respectable?
How long do people remember being treated like rubbish?
i mean, sure, you have a great network. But, people dont buy a network, they dont really care about all that stuff as much as one might think.
They buy into reputation; what mom said, what fred the neighbor said, what johnny the town drunk's half-sister's twin siamese cousin's great niece said.
beeferjay said:...
wireless companies care about is....
Can sprint bolster its reputation with this move?
Can they improve their service to a level that is respectable?
How long do people remember being treate
Negative Talk
He knows wireless and he especially knows Sprint and where they have been for the last few years while he was at Embarq.
My bet's on you!