Verizon Wireless Offers Push Email to Consumer Phones
Jun 3, 2008, 10:20 AM by Eric M. Zeman
Today Verizon Wireless announced a new, push-based email service for business users. Above and beyond its WirelessSync and POP3 email access services, this will allow users of Microsoft's Exchange ActiveSync to have email pushed directly to non-PDA, standard mass market-grade handsets. It will allow for full syncing with Exchange servers, including all emails, contacts, and calendar information. The service, called RemoSync, will cost $10 per month per user. The service is available as a Get It Now application for a number of LG, Motorola, and Samsung handsets.
THis is Good
Just another option
Currently VZW offers Mobile email for non-pda devices for $5.00 per month. However, it does not do full sync of contacts and calendar. They also have wireless sync for non-PDA for $19.99 per month. Both require the Premium calling plan or VCast V-Pak in order to avoid the $1.99/MB data transfer costs.
What's wrong with a wireless company offering multiple options for email on your device?
Personally, I think it is a good thing.
Who cares who did what first, or how much it costs.
Give them a break for trying or even offering something new to their customers.
Is this a first?
Do any other service providers offer something like this? I'm not aware, but I haven't looked, either.
How much of a threat is this to Blackberry? It certainly is cheaper. I'd love to see Verizon provide a cheaper BB plan than $30 per month.
But you need to have an Exchange server for it to work.
Nope, not the first, and not the last either.
The verizon app I'd imagine would need vcast or whatever the unlimited data f...
10buk a month??
what is next?
10buk a month for gps?
wait, they already charging for gps service! haha
So are you saying verizon should give people email for free?
And turn by turn navigation should also be free. Navigation is not the same as google maps