Verizon: LTE in 20-30 Markets by 2010, Android On the Way
May 28, 2009, 1:57 PM by Eric M. Zeman
Speaking at an investor conference, Verizon Wireless CEO Lowell McAdam provided more details about its planned launch of Long Term Evolution. He said the company will have 20 to 30 markets running LTE at 8-12Mbps by 2010, and it should have the entire U.S. covered by the end of 2013. McAdam also said that Verizon has far more spectrum for its LTE network compared to competitor AT&T, which McAdam says will translate directly to a major speed advantage for Verizon. He commented, "We will have double the spectrum depth in most markets, and the physics is that the ceiling for their network will be the floor for our network when it comes to speeds ... when we get to 4G, there will be no question [who is the fastest.]" McAdam also also said that the company is planning to offer a device running Google's Android platform. He noted, "we've had some very good dialogs with Google, we like what we see and we will in fact be bringing Android devices to the marketplace in the near future."
Oh my!
"We own the majority of the spectrum and bought all the competition--go **** yourself."
I'm so glad to be with Verizon!
Sgt_Joker said:...
They're truly the best! Their aggressive LTE roll out is amazing! I for one can't wait for 4G, and since I live in Seattle ( the king of technology city) my wait will be short! att is no competition compared to what