Google Buzzes Onto More Devices
May 27, 2010, 12:55 PM by Philip Berne
Google today expanded the reach of its Google Buzz offering. While Buzz was originally available for Android 2.0+ phones and Apple iPhone OS devices, the service now runs in an XHTML version that is compatible with most smartphone platforms. BlackBerry, Nokia S60 and Windows Phone users, and even owners of older, pre-2.0 Android devices, can now now access the Web application at BlackBerry devices will also be able to tie their location data to Buzz posts and search for nearby, geo-tagged posts. Google has also updated Buzz with a new Reshare feature, similar to Twitter's official Retweet, except that users can also add their own commentary alongside the complete, original post.
Buzz not so much. Though I always check out the buzz map when I am in a city.. people are starting to use it for reviews.
Older phone users...
Can they now now? 😉