AT&T Testing MicroCell Give-Aways
Jul 13, 2010, 11:21 AM by Eric M. Zeman
updated Jul 13, 2010, 12:45 PM
AT&T recently explained that some customers are receiving its 3G MicroCell femtocell product as part of a trial in two U.S. markets. An AT&T spokesperson confirmed that the trial is being used to determine the "most effective way to intro the product." The MicroCell enhances cellular signals in the homes of people who have "voice coverage challenges." The MicroCell, which became widely available earlier this year, typically costs $150. Customers can choose to pay $20 per month for unlimited voice and data through the MicroCell. It uses the home owner's broadband connection for voice and data traffic rather than the larger cellular network.
What a joke...
Q. Do I need to subscribe to an AT&T Unlimited MicroCell Calling feature?
A. No. While highly recommended for maximum benefit, a subscription to AT&T Unlimited MicroCell Calling i...
xcr said:...
Ok great - charge me $150 for the Femtocell just like Verizon and I am fine with that. My question is why should I have to pay $20 a month for you to use my broadband connection to help your crappy network? I have been an
But having unlimited calls at...
With a microcell, any ATT 3G phone can use it. I honestly believe T-Mobile should do the same. It would be easier, and any phone will be able to use it.
Tried to get one for free
It was worth a shot to find out how easy it would be to get a free one.
No Feature Required
The $19.99 per month feature is for unlimited voice calling from the Microcell. The feature is not required but optional for unlimited calling.