Review: Samsung Gravity Smart
The Gravity Smart camera sensor has 3.2 megapixels to work with, and puts them to good use. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of images I was able to capture. Indoors, focus and sharpness suffer a bit, and there's more grain than I'd like to see, but white balance and color accuracy is spot on. Outdoors, it's a whole different ballgame. Nearly all the images I took were perfectly in focus, with little visible grain. White balance and color were accurate, and the Gravity Smart even managed to avoid losing detail when shooting extremely bright subjects.
Images captured by the Gravity Smart are definitely worth sharing via any of the social networks included on phone. It's not going to supplant a DSLR, but in a pinch it surely replaces a point and shoot camera, especially if you don't need to print your photos.
I was very impressed by the video quality of the Gravity Smart. Not only was the video clear of blocks and choppiness, but color, focus, and clarity were excellent. For a sensor that only captures 320 x 240 pixels, there's a lot to like about the Gravity Smart's video camera.
MPEG-4 format (viewable with QuickTime)