Review: BlackBerry Torch 9850
Sep 7, 2011, 10:17 AM by Eric M. Zeman
Research In Motion's newest touch phone might be the BlackBerry that RIM's fanatics have been waiting for. Can the Torch 9850 fan the flames of desire in the CrackBerry faithful?
The BlackBerry Torch 9850 is the touch smartphone that BlackBerry fans have probably been waiting for. It won't slay the Android and iOS demons eating at RIM's marketshare by any stretch of the imagination, but it takes the BlackBerry platform to the next logical step. Here's why.
BB FAIL!! Storm 2 vs Torch 9850
This phone sucks. Someone said it best, Its a lot of fun to "get info from" but horrible to "input info into". The keypad experience is super duper duper wack,
I was so happy to know this phone came with SURETYPE, but its not the same and when in portrait mode that little arrow that opens and closes the keyboard is a disaster. It tests my patience when im typing I cant help in anyway not to tap it and close my keyboard, the keys are small and close centered. its a disaster = FAILED KEYBOARD.
I wont even start on Landscape mode. enough said - go go gadget...