Sprint Sings Nashville a WiMax Love Song
Sprints Wimax versus T-Mobiles hspa+
T-Mobile says that their HSPA+ network offers "4G speeds". Acually they absolutely do. Despite being an upgrade to existing "3G" technology, in feild test they found that T-Mobile's HSPA+ network was often faster than Sprint's "4G" network. To be honest... Its Much Faster.
That's the problem with the term "4G" that Sprint uses. People dont really know what it means!
The engineers that created this technology decided the standards. The Engineers at ITU (International Telecommunication Union) say that the technology is only "4G" if it meets a list of things. The ITU says "4G" shoul...
To me, what WiMax has over Tmo's HSPA+ is Sprint/Clear's Wimax is unlimited, so it can Aactually be -USED- to watch videos without having to wo...
Right now I get 5.1 Mbps downstream average on AT&T's 3G N...
As a consumer and based on this statement, I would be very confused in dealing with you. Are you supporting Tmo or are you supporting Sprint?
It almost appears that while you are supporting Sprint in car...
Stay The Course Sprint...
It is an awesome advance from what we have been experiencing from mobile devices.
John B
WiMAX When will it come to ....
I would like to see some 4g action in the Metro detroit Area !
any idea anyone?