Government Wants to Restrict In-Vehicle Communications
Too Much Government
Look, if you were operating your own vehicle on a private roadway with no other citizens around, and no possibility of causing harm while you are distracted, the...
not to sure about this
Bad Form by the Gov
You support this because it keeps you safe? The government could mandate wearing a helmet 24 hours a day using that good. The fact is that this is invasive and not what the federal government is for. That you are a California residen...
Guidelines-not legislation
These are proposed GUIDELINES for automakers the administration is outlining, and not legislation. At least that is what the supplied link in the article is stating. ... »
So you have the Obama administration that wants to restrict certain practices, Congress which has shown no interest in restricting them and automakers...well I am sure everyone knows their position.
This is going nowhere at least for the moment...