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mm-a700 and animated screensavers?


Nov 9, 2004, 2:49 AM
Here's my delima. I'm looking to replace my sanyo scp5500 and get a new phone. I caught the recent MM-A700 and also the Audiovox CDM-9950 / Toshiba VM4050, both were at Best Buy. Both have the higher resolution displays, while supporting 262,000 colors, as opposed to my scp5500 that only displays 65k. The display on the Audiovox was just downright awesome! But I'm at a loss because I'm wanting to download animated screensavers from matrixm.com. According to Matrix M however the Audiovox doesn't support animated screensavers, and neither does the MM-A700. Both these phones have more colors with a very sharp crisp display. I love the MM-A700 with it's outside display and the dark color of the phone itself. But.. alas, even it won't do the anim...

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