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Retention Plan question!


Nov 19, 2004, 3:18 PM
My contract ends today!
Can i get a retention plan and the $150 rebate for a new phone?

Thanks 😁
Big Poppa

Nov 20, 2004, 11:58 AM
Not another one!

Nov 20, 2004, 2:53 PM
contract expiration has absolutely nothing to do with phone rebates. think about it why would we penalize some one for having a contract?

now if you have had you actual handset, not you number but you handset, for more then 18 months on the same PCS # and you sign a new 2 year agreement on plan 35$ or higher then yes you should qualify for a rebate.

unless you are on a business account, if that is the case contact your sprint business rep because each business is unique so sprint will work to meet each business unique needs
Big Poppa

Nov 21, 2004, 5:41 PM
You forgot something on the requirment for the 18 month handset Upgrade Program.

Here is the list of Requirements:

1. You exisiting PHONE must be active on the account and same number for a minimum of 18 months to even consider being eligable.

2. A new contract is REQUIRED to recieve the rebate. 1 year = $100 rebate, 2 year = $150 rebate.

3. Your rate plan must be on a $35.00 or higher plan.

4. If purchasing a "Vision" phone/device, "Vision" is required at the time of activation.

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