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My Sanyo Reception


Nov 29, 2004, 2:31 PM
My wife and I have had the Sanyo 4900 for about 2 years, and they had the best reception I've seen.

Last week, we got a pair of new Sanyo 8200 phones, and I've noticed the reception is not as good. In our home, we're dropping calls much more often.

I am thinking of taking the 8200 back, and perhaps looking at the 4920. Is the 4920 similar to 4900 in terms of reception, or is it about the same as the 8200 - which is not as powerful as the old 4900?

What is your experience with this?

Dec 1, 2004, 12:19 PM
I have noticed that too. I think the 8200 is an exception to the rule that Sanyos have the best reception. The 4920 is awsome. It's basically the 4900 with a 50 minute voice recorder and readylink, all in a smaller package.
If you really want a flip though any other sanyo should be good.

Dec 1, 2004, 8:02 PM
cuchanu said:
I have noticed that too. I think the 8200 is an exception to the rule that Sanyos have the best reception. The 4920 is awsome. It's basically the 4900 with a 50 minute voice recorder and readylink, all in a smaller package.
If you really want a flip though any other sanyo should be good.
I'm of the opinion that Sanyos SHOW the best reception. From personal use, I've always found Samsungs to hold a call better and offer the best voice quality in Sprint's line of phones.

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