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Sanyo 8200 - Someone says HELLO!


Nov 29, 2004, 2:35 PM
I just got the Sanyo 8200, and I have noticed this problem several times in the few days I've had the phone. (My wife has an 8200 too and she has noticed it also)

When I make a call, the person answering the phone says "hello" like they have said hello once and heard no response.

There is a half to one second when the call recipient answers the phone that neither of us can hear the other. This is pretty annoying, has anyone else noticed this? Is this a problem with the Sanyo 8200? Do you notice it with any other phones? I never had this problem with the 4900 which I used for 2 years.


Nov 29, 2004, 11:01 PM
i would rank the sanyo 4900 as one of the top three all time best reception phones sprint has ever had. the other 2 would have to be the samsung 8500 and the Motorola star tac. those three phones seams to have unbeatable reception

in regards to your dilemma i would say your best bet would be to try the 4920.

i will warn you one thing about the 8200 the signal indicator on the 8200 does not read accurately. on the sanyo 8200 and newer the signal read on the actual phone has been tuned down to make it look more equal to the other phones. for example if you has a vm 4500 next to a 8200 the 8200 would only register 2 bars where as the 4500 would have 4 the reality is both have just as strong of reception.

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