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any new Motorolas for Sprint in 2005??


Jan 14, 2005, 2:18 PM
does anyone know for sure any phones from Motorola that Sprint will carry and if so where i can go to look at them?

Jan 14, 2005, 10:52 PM
there will be nothing till the nextel merdger goes threw sprint is veryupset about the whole moto-iden thing and has been for some time that is why sprint has not had any moto phones

Jan 15, 2005, 11:25 AM
oic. that sucks cuz VZ always gets cool CDMA Moto phones and i wish Sprint would get them too.

Jan 15, 2005, 3:06 PM
moto doe shave some cool feature phones but the truth is that motos cdma phones are not near as good as a sanyo or a smasung and they do not use the qualicom chip. the qualicom chipsets are by far the best for reception and dependibility

Jan 20, 2005, 9:51 PM
To quote a Verizon dealer rep: "You can't go wrong with any phone we offer whose manufacturer name does not begin with the letter M."
Motorola refuses to use Qualcomm chips so their phones are very erratic. They do weird things like take themselves off line intermittently.
iDen, GSM and TDMA are relatively easy technologies to support. Heck Motorola helped develop those technologies as well as the old FDMA.
As far as their RF performance Motorola outperforms Nokia and Sony Ericsson. But their CDMA phones are buggier than a mattress in a $5.00 motel room.

Jan 31, 2005, 7:52 PM
Trust me, you are not missing out on anything with Motorola. The phones look nice in the pictures but in person they are made of cheap materials. Do not even get me started about reliability. Sanyo makes are far better product for the money. Sprint did a good thing by not selling too many Motos.
Rich Brome

Jan 22, 2005, 4:35 PM
That's not true. Motorola has been using Qualcomm chips since the T720 and v120x. Motorola gave up on CDMA chips when 1xRTT technology came out. Motorola has never made a CDMA chipset with 1xRTT.

For example, the v120c had a Motrola chipset, but the v120x and v120e had Qualcomm chips inside. Just check out the internal photos on the FCC site. All Motorola phones since then have used Qualcomm chips.

Jan 23, 2005, 12:38 AM
i was compleatly unaware of that

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