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Subscribing Online


Jan 20, 2005, 12:26 PM
I went around to all the web sites placing orders, (but not completing them of course), Sprint was the most expensive one to get started.

I can go to any other company and walk away with a good phone and contract with very little starting costs, I think Sprint has its web site set to draw people into the stores to talk to a sales rep.

There was a discount on a phone, the price with a 2 year contract is $69.00 I believe, but that is if you have a two year agreement, I could find NO WAY to have a two year contract ordering online.

After going through the ordering at the end I only save $4 and change 😲

Also, to get the savings on the phone your forced to buy a service for txt messages, pictures etc that sell for 15.00 a month, I ...

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